Okay during the-day-after-Thanksgiving- Christmas shopping, my dad and me went out looking for a TMX, yes a Tickle Me Elmo...for my nephew. Okay so we got there at like 3 am and there ad said they would have some, fought through a crowd to the toy section, to find a riot of pi$$ed off people, only to find they wouldn't have any, at all. So we went to customer service. They said they would be getting anymore cause, uh ,uh the company won't send us anymore. All this BS, they actually held them all back for employees. So we went back to electronics to get these nice T.V's they had on sale. Okay so the crowd was hetic! So my dad grabbed a box before anyone else, and the box was pretty big, so we set it down, and he put me on top, so no one would take it, I got to sit above everyone else, and watch the crown kill each other over T.V's. It was hilarious. So after about 10 minutes, this guy tried to pull me off the box, when Wal-Mart employees came over and stopped him. Since they had been laughing at what I was doing, then security said that they couldn't sell us the T.V since it was still on sales floor, and we had to deal with the @$$holes at customer service for an hour(them saying it was holding back sales, or guarding merchandise...something like that..), we ended up getting it, and I always remember that day. =D