Ooh - you should finish it! Better ending than Stephen King's 'IT'! I have read most dictionaries in most languages - here is the last word in each of them...I am telling you the ending of each one so that you never have to plough through a dictionary again.
Afrikaans: zyliet (zylite, whatever that is) -- Pharos Groot Woordeboek
Ainu: yupi(hi) (older brother) -- Ainu-English Word List: www.coastalfog.net/languages/ainuenglish.html
Albanian: zhyvelgë (dead/dried leaves) -- Oxford Albanian-English Dictionary [zh as a letter is sorted after z]
Amharic: [postäñña] (postman) -- Amharic-English/English-Amharic Dictionary, A. Zekaria
Armenian: [fssal] (v. puff) -- Hippocrene Concise Armenian Dictionary, D & S Aroutunian
Australian Aboriginal (Queensland): yuwan (black snake) -- Aboriginal Words of Australia, published by A.H. & A.W. Reed Pty Ltd, 1976 [Andrew Smith] Yeah, we know, not very specific about exactly which language. Sorry about that.
Azerbaijani: zülm (oppression) -- Routledge Dictionary of the Turkic Languages
Basque: zuztertu (to sprout, to grow shoots) -- Basque-English, English-Basque Dictionary by Aulestia and White, U. of Nevada Press, 1992 [Thomas Leigh]
Belarusian/Belarusan: [jashche] (still, yet, another, already) -- Gotovets, O. A., Myasnikova, V. V. Belorussko-russkij i russko-belorusskij slovar' (Belarusan-Russian and Russian-Belarusan dictionary) TetraSystems, 2001 [Pavel Iosad]
Breton (Interdialectal): zrodiñ; variant of saotrañ (to sprain, ruin, spoil, soil, sully, dirty, pollute, stain) -- Geriadur ar Brezhoneg a-Vremañ Brezhoneg-Galleg Galleg-Brezhoneg / Dictionnaire du Breton Contemporain Bilingue, 4th edition. Francis Favereau, 1997 [Benjamin Bruch]
Breton (Unifié): zoken (even, moreover) -- Elementary Breton-English & English-Breton Dictionary / Geriadurig Brezhoneg-Saozneg ha Saozneg-Brezhoneg by R. Delaporte, Mouladurioù Hor Yezh, 1995 [Thomas Leigh, Benjamin Bruch]
Breton (Universitaire): zo-mui-kén (all in all, only) -- Lexique Breton-Français et Français-Breton / Geriadur Brezoneg-Galleg ha Galleg-Brezoneg, 27th ed. Laurent Stéphan and Visant Séité, 1993 [Benjamin Bruch]
Breton (Vannetais): zo (is [3rd person singular of the verb boud 'be']) -- Dictionnaire Breton-Français Vannetais. Mériadeg Herrieu, 2001 [Benjamin Bruch]
British Sign Language (BSL): ["both hands held in neutral space in front of body, side by side; the thumb is extended and the fingers tightly curled at the knuckles; palms point down and away from the signer; twist at wrist repeatedly towards the signer"] (dominoes, domino player, play dominoes) -- Dictionary of British Sign Language/English, British Deaf Association, Ed. David Brien, Published by Faber and Faber (BSL notation order)
Bulgarian: [yakhta] (yacht) -- Gaberov English-Bulgarian, Bulgarian English Dictionary, 1999 [Thomas Leigh]
Caribbean Creole: zwazo (bird) -- Hippocrine Concise Creole Dictionary, S. Ovide
Catalan: zwitterió (zwitterion) -- Hiperdiccionari (Enciclopèdia Catalana) [Veronica Lambert Hall]
Cornish (Kemmyn): ywin (yew [trees]), singulative ywinenn (yew [tree]) -- The New Standard Cornish Dictionary / An Gerlyver Kres, Dr Ken George, 1998 [Benjamin Bruch]
Cornish (Modern): zwele (burns, scorches, singes); form of the verb swealan (to burn off surface, scorch, singe) -- A Practical Dictionary of Modern Cornish, Part One: Cornish-English, 2nd edition. R. R. M. Gendall, 1997 [Benjamin Bruch]
Cornish (Unified): ; variant spelling for yey (ice, frost) -- A New Cornish Dictionary / Gerlyver Noweth Kernewek. R. Morton Nance, 1990 [Benjamin Bruch]
Corsican: vutiziu (vow) -- Dizziunariu Corsu-Francese, Éditions DCL, 1998 [Thomas Leigh]
[Serbo-]Croatian: (1. spur tip; 2. top; 3. tip, point; 4. lock, tuft of hair) -- SerboCroatian-English Dictionary by M. Benson, Cambridge U. Press, 1994 [Thomas Leigh]
Czech: (chew, masticate) -- English-Czech, Czech-English Dictionary by J. Fronek, Leda, 1998 [Thomas Leigh]
Danish: åsyn (countenance) -- Standard Danish Dictionary, Holt Rinehart & Winston (Scandinavian sort order)
Dutch: zwoerd, zwoord (bacon rind) -- Hippocrene Standard Dictionary; zzz (an imitation of a buzzing sound (e.g. as with bees)) -- Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal [Maarten van Beek]
Egyptian (Middle): [ddkw] (canal(?), channel (?)) -- A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian. Raymond O. Faulkner: Griffith Institute [with thanks to Sylvia and Charlotte Miles]
Estonian: üürnik (tenant) -- Sonastik Dictionary, eesti-inglise (Scandinavian sort order)
Faeroese: øvundarorð (word which expresses envy) -- Føroysk-Donsk Orðabók, M.A. Jacobsen & Chr. Matras (Scandinavian sort order)
Fijian: yota (yacht) -- New Fijian Dictionary, Capell 1968 [Roger Mills]
Finnish: öylätti (wafer; host) -- Standard Finnish Dictionary, Holt Rinehart & Winston (Scandinavian sort order)
French: zymotique (zymotic, of fermentation) -- The Concise Oxford French Dictionary compiled by Abel and Marguerite Chevalley, 1954 [Andrew Smith]
Frisian (Fehring): würtelk (real) -- Snaak Friisk! Interfriisk Leksikon, V. Tams Jörgensen
Frisian (Halunder): wuune (live) -- Snaak Friisk! Interfriisk Leksikon, V. Tams Jörgensen
Frisian (Mooring): wüset (woman) -- Snaak Friisk! Interfriisk Leksikon, V. Tams Jörgensen
Frisian (Sölring): wunerk (strange) -- Snaak Friisk! Interfriisk Leksikon, V. Tams Jörgensen
Frisian (West): wurpst ([thou] threw) -- Afûk Frysk-Ingelsk Wurdboek; most Frisian dictionaries sort the letter y in with the letter i, so words beginning with y don't come at the end of the dictionary; however the following comes from a dictionary which sorts y after w: yslik (horrible) -- Frisian-English Dictionary / Frysk-Ingelsk Wurdboek. Raymond John Fisher, 1986 [Benjamin Bruch]
Gaelic (Scottish): utras (confusion) -- Acair Aup Gaelic Dictionary; x-ghathaich (to x-ray) -- Gaelic-English dictionary by Colin Mark, 2003 [Thomas Leigh]
Galician: zurrar (spank) -- Hippocrene Concise Galician Dictionary, J. Vikin
Georgian: [hunegi] (Huns) -- English-Georgian/Georgian-English Dictionary, T. & I. Gvarjaladze [with thanks to Simon Ager's Omniglot alphabets site for the webfont]
German: Zytotoxizität (the ability to damage cells) -- Duden Deutsches Universal Wörterbuch A-Z [Philip Newton]
[Mennonite Low] German: wuttentbleiw (livid) -- Kjenn Jie Noch Plautdietsch? A Mennonite Low German Dictionary By Herman Rempel: http://www.mennolink.org/doc/lg/index.html
[Old High] German: zwîval (doubt) -- Old High German glossary from Joseph Wright's An Old High German Primer, 1888 [with thanks to Sean Crist's Language Resources site]
Gothic: zelotes (zealot) -- Dictionary of Gothic by Moritz Heyne, included in Stamm, Heyne, and Wrede's Ulfilas, 1896 [with thanks to Sean Crist's Language Resources site]
Greek: [ôps] (the eye, face, countenance) -- Liddell-Scott Greek-English Lexicon [Daniel Seriff]
Greek (Modern): [okho'] (oho!) -- Oxford Greek-English Learner's Dictionary, D N Stavropoulos [Philip Newton]
Gypsy: zhushtuy (sister-in-law) -- Hippocrene Concise Gypsy Dictionary, Atanas Slavov [zh as a letter is sorted after z]
Hausa: (deep) -- Hippocrene Practical Dictionary
Hawaiian: (to bellow, roar) -- The Pocket Hawaiian Dictionary, Univ Hawaii Press [Anton Sherwood]
Hebrew: (substandard) -- Oxford Hebrew-English Dictionary
Hindi: hvai (archaic: became) -- Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary [Amber Adams] (Sanskrit sort order)
Hopi: yuyùyna (to bother, harm) -- Hopi Dictionary Project. 1998. Hopi Dictionary: A Hopi-English Dictionary of the Third Mesa Dialect. Tucson: University of Arizona Press [Dirk Elzinga]
Hungarian: (submit a painting etc to a panel of experts) -- Oxford Concise Hungarian-English Dictionary [zs as a letter is sorted after z]
Icelandic: öxulþungi (axleload) -- Íslensk - Ensk vasaorðabók, Orðabókaútgáfan (Scandinavian sort order)
Igbo: züö (buy, trade in, play a hand, make a wager in a game) -- Igbo-English Dictionary, Michael J.C. Echeruo, Yale University Press
Ik: zu(u)ku (very, much) -- Ik Dictionary, Bernd Heine, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag
[Proto-]Indo-European: yu- (you) -- Calvert Watkins, American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots [Muke Tever]
Indonesian: zurapah (giraffe) -- Echols & Shadily, Indonesian-English Dictionary 1965 [Roger Mills]
Irish (Irish Gaelic): zú (zoo) -- Collins Gem
[Old] Irish: utmallugud (act of wavering [verbal noun of utmallaigidir 'is, becomes unsteady, wavers']) -- Dictionary of the Irish Language Based Mainly on Old and Middle Irish Materials, Compact Edition. E. G. Quin, 1990 [Benjamin Bruch]
Italian: zuzzerellone, zuzzurullona (rollicking fellow or girl; tomboy; skittish) -- Cassell's Italian Dictionary
Japanese: [zutto] (by far, much more, all the time, throughout, all along, direct, straight, all the way) -- Japan Foundation Japanese-English dictionary (Latin alphabetic sort order) [D Tse]; [n] (short form of the particle "no") -- Oubunsha Hyoujun Kokugo Jiten () (gojuuonjun sort order) [Philip Newton]; [yaku; radical 214 + 0 extra strokes] (a kind of flute) -- Shin Jigen () (radical/stroke sort order) [Philip Newton]
Kawi (Old Javanese): (rattan) -- Kawi Lexicon, Wojowasito & Mills 1979 [Roger Mills] (Sanskrit sort order)
Kazakh: [yubka] (skirt) -- Routledge Dictionary of the Turkic Languages
Kyrgyz: [yanvar'] (January) -- Routledge Dictionary of the Turkic Languages
Latin: zothecula (cubicle) -- Collins Gem; zythum (a kind of malt liquor among the Egyptians - borrowing from Greek) -- A Latin Dictionary, Lewis & Short
Latvian: (to clank, jingle, rattle) --
Lithuanian: (quick, brisk, smart) -- Routledge Lithuanian Dictionary
Luxembourgish: Zylinder (top hat) -- 6000 Wierder op Lëtzebuergesch, Editions Saint-Paul, 2000 [Thomas Leigh]
Malagasy: zozozozo (a buzzing sound, or the whistling of the wind through the trees) -- Dictionnaire Malgache-Français, Abinal & Malzac 1970 [Roger Mills]
Maltese: (marriage, matrimony, nuptuals, wedding) -- Maltese-English, English-Maltese Dictionary, Colour Image, 1998 [Thomas Leigh]
Manx: dy yymmoosey (to make wroth or angry) -- Fockleyr ny Gaelgey, A. Cregeen
Maori: whutupaoro (football) -- Revised Dictionary of Modern Maori by PM Ryan [Andrew Smith]
Nahuatl: zozolotz(a) (to cause something to make a rumbling, roaring sound) -- Karttunen, Frances. 1983. An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl. Austin: University of Texas Press [Dirk Elzinga]
Ndonga: e/zuululo (new start from the beginning) -- Ndonga-English Dictionary, T.E. Tirronen
Niuean: (to howl) -- Tohi Vagahau Niue, Niue Language Dictionary [Philip Newton]
Norwegian (Bokmål and Nynorsk): åvokster (dial.: growth, also: cream on top of milk in a churn) -- Norsk riksmålsordbok, Kunnskapsforlaget and Nynorskordboka; also åzåtasjon ("loan-translation of Turkish 'züzuniyet', 'final word, conclusion' -- in philological jargon: concluding comment, last word") -- Hele Norges Leksikon, Hjemmets Bokforlag A/S [with thanks to Reidar Djupvik] (Scandinavian sort order)
Nuxalk: yuyucw (bracelet) -- A Concise Nuxalk-English Dictionary, H.F. Nater
Occitan: zoologia (zoology) -- Lexique Occitan-Français by Roger Barthe, 1988 [Thomas Leigh]
Paiute, Southern: -' (enclitic personal pronoun, you, singular subjective); or yurava (to be overcome - always in neg.: to be very powerful) -- Sapir, Edward. 1931. Southern Paiute Dictionary. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol 65: pp 297-535. [Dirk Elzinga]
Pilipino: yutyót (1. sound of heavy or violent but intermittent shaking (as of a house, tree branch, plank...) when burdened by heavy load or lashed by heavy wind or stream of water. 2. the act of bending under stress of weight or pressure) -- Diksiyunaryong Pilipino-Ingles (1970) [Roger Mills]
Polish: (fertile) -- Langenscheidt Pocket Polish Dictionary
Portuguese: zurzir (to lash, flog, maltreat, beat) -- Brockhaus Picture Dictionary, Portuguese-English
Romanian: zvoni (1. to be rumoured; 2. to murmur, to purl [whatever that means]) -- , 1965 [Thomas Leigh]
Russian: [yashchurnyy] (infected with foot-and-mouth disease) -- Oxford Russian-English Dictionary; also [Yaya] (a river in Yakutia) [Pavel Iosad]
Slovak: (chew) -- ("Slovak-Czech dictionary of different expressions"), published by SPN in 1963 [Thomas Leigh]
Slovene: (to whisk) -- Slovene-English Modern Dictionary by D. Komac, 1989 [Thomas Leigh]
Sorbian: (chewed) -- Obersorbisch-deutsches Wörterbuch by Filip Jakubaš, 1954 [Thomas Leigh]
Spanish: zuzón (groundsel) - El Pequeño Espasa (1988) [Martin Douch] and Diccionario de Uso del Español, María Moliner [Paul Cowan]
Swahili: zuzuliwa (to be made to look foolish) -- Hippocrene Practical Dictionary
Swedish: övärld (archipelago) -- Standard Swedish Dictionary, Holt Rinehart & Winston (Scandinavian sort order)
Tatar: [höjüm] (attack) -- Routledge Dictionary of the Turkic Languages
Tongan: (stranger) -- A Simplified Dictionary Of Modern Tongan [Philip Newton]; 'u'ulu (rumble, roar) -- Glossary of Intensive Course in Tongan, Eric B. Shumway (sorting ' as a separate letter after v) [Philip Newton]
Turkish: zürriyet (progeny, offspring) -- Langenscheidt Standard Turkish Dictionary; see also Norwegian (really)
Turkmen: [] (green) -- Routledge Dictionary of the Turkic Languages
Ukrainian: [yashchur] (foot-and-mouth disease) -- Hippocrene Standard Dictionary
Uzbek: [ho'kiz] (ox) -- Routledge Dictionary of the Turkic Languages
Veps: öläpak (bat) -- Vepsä-Englantilaine Vajehnik: http://kodima.1accesshost.com/dictionary.htm (Scandinavian sort order)
Vietnamese: (having delicate health, weak-looking) -- Hippocrene Standard Vietnamese Dictionary [Editor's note: I'm not certain that I transcribed the diacritical marks correctly. Perhaps some kind soul could advise.]
Waray: yuyong (to give up without resistance) -- Waray-English Dictionary. George Dewey Tramp, Jr., 1995 [Benjamin Bruch]
Warlpiri: yuwurrku (mulga scrub, scrub) -- An Elementary Warlpiri Dictionary. Ken Hale, 1995 [Benjamin Bruch]
Welsh: ywen (yew tree) -- Y Geiriadur Bach (Pub. Christopher Davies); Zwinglïaidd (characteristic of the doctrine of the theologian Zwingli) -- University of Wales: Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru (Dictionary of the Welsh Language) [Andrew Hawke/Pavel Iosad]
Wembawemba: yurru-wil (moth) -- Wembawemba Dictionary. Luise A. Hercus, 1992 [Benjamin Bruch]
Wintu: (to fill the mouth with water to inflate the cheeks) -- Wintu Dictionary. Harvey Pitkin, University of California Press
Wolof: yuuy (very cold fog) -- Dictionnaire wolof-français. Fal, Santos, and Doneux, 1990 [Benjamin Bruch]
Xhosa: zwi, ili- and i- (a sound, a word, voice, speech, language) -- A New Concise Xhosa-English Dictionary. New edition. J. McLaren, 1963 [Benjamin Bruch]
Yoeme: yuyyuma (reach a point [reduplicated form of yuma, reach a point in time, attain a goal]) -- Yoeme-English English-Yoeme Standard Dictionary: A Language of the Yaqui Tribe in the American Southwest and Northern Mexico. With a Comprehensive Grammar of the Yoeme Language. David L. Shaul, 1999 [Benjamin Bruch]
Yorùbá: yunifásítì (university) -- Dictionnaire usuel yorùbá-français. Michka Sachnine, 1997 [Benjamin Bruch]
[Siberian] Yupik: yuvghiighyaghqaq (magazine) (last entry under the heading yuvghiigh- 'to examine, to inspect, to give a medical examination') -- A Dictionary of the St. Lawrence Island / Siberian Yupik Eskimo Language. Second Preliminary edition. Steven A. Jacobson et. al., 1987 [Benjamin Bruch]
[Central] Yup'ik: yuvrir- (to examine) -- Yup'ik Eskimo Dictionary. Steven A. Jacobson, 1984 [Benjamin Bruch]
Zapotec (San Lucas Quiaviní): zh:ye'mm (two statues representing evil placed just inside a church on Holy Thursday and Good Friday) -- Di'csyonaary X:tèe'n Dìi'zh Sah Sann Lu'uc / San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec Dictionary / Diccionario Zapoteco de San Lucas Quiaviní. Vol. I: Zapotec-English-Spanish Dictionary. Pamela Munro and Felipe H. Lopez, 1999 [Benjamin Bruch]
Zulu: Zwingili (Cabanis [or canabis] Weaver-bird) -- English-Zulu/Zulu-English Dictionary, Witwatersrand University Press; Zulu-English Vocabulary. CC. M. Doke, 1971 [Benjamin Bruch]
Are you asleep yet? You will be if you finish that dictionary.