You do realize that I am extremely smart, right?? LOL
1. It has sumthin' to do with the refraction of light, wavelengths & what the human eye can see - that's all I remember.......ok, doing well, so far!! Hahahaha
2. Largest country as in # of people? Or area? Largest # of people - China.......largest land area - Russia.
3. Dude - I'm from America - we are SO not on the metric system, hon.....but I'm thinking not a bunch, since a kilogram is 1,000 grams.
4. A decibel measure sound level - down where I live, in da 'hood, decibels can be measured accurately by how much your windows rattle & your bed shakes when a car with big-azz sub-woofers comes down your street.
5. Red, Blue & Yellow. Sometimes you'll have a white and/or a green, depending on what kinda plug it is (you didn't specify, Doc)
6. Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen & uh, let's see, does Carbon Dioxide count?
7. Oh, heck - I don't know but it has sumthin' to do with computers, right?
8. Two apples - the ones in your hands.
9. Jan, March, May, July, Aug, Oct, Dec - 7
10. As many as is specific to their breed, I think - they can have more than 8, I believe, unlike their cousins, the octopii.
How did I do?? Do I pass, Affey??