Please call your nearest depression/suicide helpline, ASAP. It sounds like you have depression, a treatable illness.
Pessimism and negativity about the future naturally come with the depression. Many teenagers and young people also seem to go through a particularly hard stage with self-esteem, image and emotional issues.
Please don't ever try to kill yourself!! Imagine how your loved ones would feel. The anguish would never end for them. It would take a PERMANENT TOLL on them.
You don't have to kill yourself! You can have “a life” in JESUS (John 10:9-10)
In Jesus, life can be far better and peaceful, but the first step is to never give up on yourself!
PLEASE, pray to Him (Jesus.) Pour out your heartaches to Him. Trust me, Jesus Christ will HEAR your prayer, and can (with time,) heal ALL of your wounds.
Put your trust in Him, that He CARES about you, and will listen to your concerns. He LOVES you so much and even knew you when you were in your mother's womb!
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...." - Jeremiah 1:5.
No matter who you are, God LOVES you and wants to give you a FUTURE and everlasting life.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
That being said, suicide is a SIN. A sin that will send you to Hell (a place of eternal punishment and a place that there's no escape from.)
All those who reject Jesus Christ and die in their sins (and suicide,) will be cast into the 'Lake of Fire' (Hell) forever. Hell is definitively a REAL place, and once you go there, there's no getting out!
You can go on Youtube and watch many people's testimonies about dying and going to Hell. You can start watching here;…
Though one may not understand the severity of God sentencing a person to burn in Hell for all eternity, as punishment for sin, we must realize that God is far more holy and just than we could ever imagine.
Your life, and body belongs to GOD, who created you.
No one should ever even seriously consider something so foolish as killing one's self. I hope these few words have encouraged you.
I'll pray for you.
PS; when you have a relationship with Jesus, things ALWAYS get better with time. He loves you and wants you to have a future. A wonderful future which includes EVERLASTING life. :-)