2011-03-31 13:02:13 UTC
I just can't stop boasting i was born in 91! And i believe i am special you see if you were NOT born the 90s you are NOT special and if you were born after 91 you are not a TRUE 90s kid seeing as you weren't old enough to remember the 90s decade. im soo bloody lucky to be born then i love 91 it's like the coolest year sorry youngsters born after you just missed 92 born peeps i know you wanna be a true 90s kid but you'll NEVER EVER be sorry and if you were born in 91 we are all turning 20 this year so we are truly lucky gosh i'm so bloody happy to be born in 91 we are so lucky gosh i can't stop saying it damn it!
1 second ago - 4 days left to answer.