2009-11-18 14:54:15 UTC
For people who live in New York City:
1) How would you describe New York City? Do you think that New York is fast-paced?
2) How do do you feel about living in New York?
3) Do you think that living in New York is stressful/enjoyable/exciting, what would be the best word that you would use to describe your life in New York?4) How do you get to work/school etc?
5) How do you feel about riding on subways/buses/rush hour traffic?
6) Would you prefer to live outside of New York, or do you think that New York has everything you would ever want to have?
7)If you prefer to live outside of New York, why do you live here?
8) What are the benefits of living in New York?
9) Do you think that New Yorkers are more stressed out than others who live outside of New York?
10) How do you unwind/relax? Do you feel that you have adequate space/time to unwind and relax the way that you want to?
11) Do you feel that you have enough space to live? How far do you live from your neighbors? If you live near your neighbors does it bother you that you don't have enough personal space?
12) How do you find your own personal space when you are surrounded by people on subways, buses, busy street corners, etc.?
13) Do you think that people in New York are friendly?
14) What is your natural reaction to things that are going on around you in New York?
15) What is your age and level of education?
16) How would you describe your personality?
For people who live outside of New York City
1) How would you describe New York City? Do you think that New York is fast-paced?
2) Do you think that New York is stressful/enjoyable/exciting, What would be the best word that you would use to describe New York?
3) When you come to New York, how do you feel about riding on subways/buses/rush hour traffic?
4) Do you like visiting New York?
5) Can you think of any reason why you would want to live in New York?
6) Do you think that New Yorkers are more stressed out than others who live outside of New York?
7) Do you think that people in New York are friendly?
8) What is your natural reaction to things that are going on around you in New York?
9) Are there any unwritten rules that you've discovered about the New York society?
10) Where do you live? How would you compare your city to New York?
11) What is your age and level of education?12) How would you describe your personality?