I have a number of favorite movies, so it is very difficult to pick just one. I love dramas, historical fiction, good acting, and good stories. My favorite of all time is probably Doctor Zhivago, but The Notebook, Away from Her, As Good As It Gets, Forrest Gump, Mrs. Doubtfire, Forever Young, Philadelphia, First Knight, Silence of the Lambs, Hearts in Atlantis, The Green Mile, Eleni, The Bridges of Madison County, ET, Brokeback Mountain, The English Patient, A Beautiful Mind and Shirley Valentine are also favorites. I tend to like movies with Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Jack Nicholson, Anthony Hopkins or Sean Connery.
I don't ever think much about favorite songs, but probably Danny Boy and Lara's Theme (Somewhere My Love) from Doctor Zhivago.