2010-12-23 20:12:15 UTC
See, our tree had been packed away in our garage, and where we lived at the time was basically set in a large field, so mice were every now and then a problem. We set out tons of poison for them, and the poison had the property of desiccating the mice. When we got the tree out to set it up, we found dead, desiccated mice caught in the branches.
Well, we removed them, but liberally sprayed the tree with Lysol, in order to sanitize it. Lysol had just come out in a new pine scent, so we used about three cans of the stuff thoroughly sterilizing the tree. We got more compliments on how the tree smelled so wonderful, such "nice, real pine smell", that people couldn't believe it was fake. We didn't have the heart to tell them the real reason for the tree smelling as it did.
What is your most amusing Christmas memory?