If am not good at math, does not mean I'm stupid?
2009-03-16 18:27:27 UTC
I'm a junior in erm, 10th grade math- shameful I know.
Recently, my sister ( 10th grader in 11th grade math) told me that she was smarter because she was better at MATH than me.
I like to believe a person can suck at one subject and have another talent such as art to back up the tilt. Right now, I'm number one in my schools art students. nothing to brag about- because I know for a fact there are natural prodigy's out there.

but is it true?
is my sister smarter because she is good at math?
47 answers:
2009-03-16 18:34:04 UTC
She's more logical, you're more artsy. End of story.

I tend to discount anyone who implies that they are "art-smart" but that's just my arrogance. However, a few lessons in grammar and punctuation would probably serve you well.
2009-03-16 18:32:45 UTC
not nescessaily. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Are you better at other subjects than she is, such as english,?... Normally a person can be a math/science person or an english/history person. You're sister may be a math person, but that doesn't mean shes smarter than you. She may just be better at solving problems using math skills, instead of other skills you may have.
2009-03-16 18:44:47 UTC
No. It doesn't mean anything. Just because she is better at math than you doesn't mean that she is smarter than you. I bet you are probably better at some subjects than her. Don't take it personally, she is just trying to make you feel bad. But then again, siblings do that kind of stuff. So just ignore her. Her words shouldn't matter to you because she's your little sister. And, I am sorry your sister is mean like that.

Answer mine?
Do you like Pina Colatas?
2009-03-16 18:40:13 UTC
No, it just means that your sister is better at math. Not entierly smarter. You are most likely better at something other than math. I suck at math, but I'm great at writing and my reading level is pretty high. Doesn't mean other people are smarter than me because they're better at math.
Funk Master
2009-03-16 18:33:12 UTC
Depends what math she's in, i have five freshman at my school that are already in AP Calc BC, one of them is 13 years old, at that rate I would consider them smarter, but if its only one math class ahead, its not that much of a deal, because different states have different "paths of progression" for math.
2009-03-16 18:38:47 UTC
no ur not, believe me.

im not good at math either but the best in english...if ur good at any of two then ur not stupid

but!!! ur amazing i can say. many ppl r not good in art and even hate its a good thing u r dear :P

no ur sis is no smarter than u. there r still things she cant do or good at but u r. i believe everything in this world can be learned so if u really wanna be good at math the u try ur best (anyway they say if ur into art then ur into maths too) lol why is that?

gud luck!!!
the who
2009-03-16 18:36:38 UTC
Well it happens, I know what u mean. Some people are smarter, and others arent. But I doubt thats the case. Sometimes things happen, you can't get it for whatever reason at that moment in time.

give it time!
2009-03-16 18:32:16 UTC
just because math is not your forte does not mean you are in any way dumb. and that's awesome that you have all of that talent!

i am not really good at math at all-- im a senior taking pre-calc because i forced myself to-- but i'm struggling through it.

however, i am good in virtually every other subject.. i've maintained a 3.8-3.9 GPA (out of 4) for my entire high school career because i am good at everything else. and i've been accepted to 9 colleges thus far (some of which are hard to get into!)

so i hope that makes you feel better :)
Kat Arruda.
2009-03-16 18:31:35 UTC
No, because your probably better at something else, that your sister sucks at. I can't do math at all. I'm more for english and the arts :)
2009-03-16 18:37:16 UTC
Just because math isn't your strong point doesn't mean you're stupid. I suck at Geometry and I still do great in all my other classes, and music is my talent, so I feel that it kindof balances it out.
2009-03-16 18:41:48 UTC
fluck ur sister, she sounds like a bee itch lol everyone is different. some people are good at math some people are good at history

some people can sing some people can act.she might be better than youh at math but im sure youh are better then her at another subject. It is said that boys are better then girls in math does that mean they are smarter then girls? no it doesnt. =] lol
♠ ♦ ♣ T.C.K ♣ ♦ ♠
2009-03-16 18:34:18 UTC

NO! Everyone is talented in a specific field...we're just mere human beings..we're meant to be imperfect.

I personally hate math...and yep it's one of my worst subjects after chemistry, physics, biology and spanish. Did I miss any?

Now look at my list of "horribleness", I'm sure it's worse than yours....yet I'm still happy even though I don't know what's to become of me.
Na.La. <3
2009-03-16 18:31:34 UTC
no. im in AP classes for history and english but lower in math and science....that doesnt mean im stupid. we all have things that we are specially good at. ur subject just isnt math. keep going with the art!
2009-03-16 18:34:01 UTC
no its not true my friend is way better at math anything actually but my other friend aren't so good im get better grades than them. Just because your sister is smarter doesn't mean you aren't maybe your smarter than other friends
2009-03-16 18:33:24 UTC
yeah, that doesnt prove anything. i mean sure math can make you smarter, but just because you're not good at it doesnt mean youre actually dumb. there are some people in lower levels than you, you might be a genious at art while youre sister is not.
2009-03-16 18:33:19 UTC
I hate math.

I suck at it.

I am still smart, and so are you.

You are smarter then your sister.

No matter what she says or does.

You're brilliant.

Just not in math.
2009-03-16 18:32:49 UTC
No your sister is not smarter than you just because she is better than you in one subject. How good is she in art?
2009-03-16 18:42:45 UTC
No, everyone is better at one subject more than another. You aren't stupid because math isn't your subject, either you'll find it or you already know it. Don't allow yourself to be so easily questioned. :)
2009-03-16 18:37:36 UTC
No technically you really only need to know basic math in real life honestly who uses algebra in every day life
2009-03-16 18:30:45 UTC
Tell your sister you're smarter because you're good at art. Or, better yet, take an IQ test.
2009-03-16 18:30:09 UTC
Man I hate Maths. Thank goodness for calculators.
2009-03-16 18:36:40 UTC
That's cruel of your sister to say. If she says she's smarter, than tell her your artistically talented.
2009-03-16 18:36:01 UTC
being better at math doesn't prove anything besides the fact that she's better at math. who cares. math is my least favorite subject. my teacher sucks *** so i never learn anything.
2009-03-16 18:33:55 UTC
You might want to fix up your English as well. No it means you are brain dead... (jk)

You just need to further your studying skills much more efficiently and quickly. When I was in school I hated science and still do.

Foreign language and history: my favorite.


99.5 KKLA

Lancia (BACK UP)
2009-03-16 18:30:57 UTC

I'm pretty good at academic stuff but suck at art. I kinda wish I was better at art though because those peeps are chill haha

EDIT: I meant no lawl
Invisible Pink RN
2009-03-16 18:31:53 UTC

Just because she excels in math does NOT mean that you're dumb!

Just means you don't quite get math..
♥Lil'Shawty Got BoyFeva♥
2009-03-16 18:37:31 UTC
no just means ur not that smart in math i'm not smart and math but i'm smart in english science and history
Rick T
2009-03-16 18:36:52 UTC
If your not good in math and if it means your stupid. Then that means I'm stupid. But I'm not so that means your not.
Agent McMuffin
2009-03-16 18:31:21 UTC
not really I mean shes just smarter at that subject not overall in everything unless she is
Takari C
2009-03-16 18:35:50 UTC
will yhea it does unless your not smart in other subjects but then agin art is expression and art shows things that sometimes no one but u understand that makes u smart
2009-03-16 18:34:03 UTC
maybe if ur not good in math u are good in something else like a hidde talent
2009-03-16 18:36:03 UTC
Trust me, you are as dumb as a box of Rocks, but math has nothing to do with it.
2009-03-16 18:34:06 UTC
well in math ya...

i am an 8th taking 9th grade math
2009-03-16 18:31:52 UTC
math is the basis of life as we know it, not the basis of a sister spat in the middle of nowhere.
winnie the pooh
2009-03-16 18:31:10 UTC
well. ur not supid. just cuz ur bad @ math it doesnt make u dumb. mabey u r good @ something else
2009-03-16 18:30:22 UTC
If it does mean that, then I guess I'm stupid too, but my momma always used to say, stupid is as stupid does.
2009-03-16 18:31:07 UTC
That doesn't mean that....she's stupid for making such remarks.
Keith G
2009-03-16 18:31:31 UTC
no i struggle in math but i have aced all my other classes. it just means your normal.
2009-03-16 18:34:55 UTC
im SO bad at math. dont feel bad
2009-03-16 18:34:42 UTC
Then I guess Im stupid too! :p
2009-03-16 20:44:46 UTC
np if u r better than her at anything
2009-03-16 18:36:17 UTC

You made my head hurt when you said "If"

*****sniff ....sniff*** all that talk about MATH !!!!
cct rep
2009-03-16 18:31:40 UTC
wow. i got a headache trying to read that
2009-03-16 19:32:59 UTC
it means you a serial killer XD
2009-03-16 18:41:33 UTC
yes its true, but smart people don't have any fun.
2009-03-18 10:24:06 UTC
Of coarse not.
I'm bored
2009-03-16 18:30:54 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.