Zaatkin Z
2009-05-15 22:05:15 UTC
NOTE: This survey is mostly targeted towards adults, both young and old, as it is about the issue of drunk driving.
1. Have you driven after drinking alcohol? If yes, how old were you the first time you did this?
2. How often do you drink alcohol?
3. Have you ever gotten into an accident involving a drunk driver?
4. Have you ever been stopped/arrested/convicted for drunk driving?
5. Do you think that drunk driving laws should be reduced or removed completely?
6. What effect do you think removing or reducing drunk driving laws will create?
7. Do you support anti-drunk driving organizations, such as the Mothers Against Drunk Driving group?
8. Which strategy of minimizing drunk driving and tolls to communities that drunk driving creates do you think is most effective: prevention (keeping people from drinking & driving in the first place) or enforcement (stopping & punishing people who are already driving after drinking)?
9. How do you feel about the issue itself? Are the current measures or initiatives being taken effective in your opinion?
You don't have to answer all the questions.
Thank you for your answer and your time!