HOW much names can you give me with letter S,the one who gives more get 10 points ?
2008-04-30 00:28:10 UTC
only people names ,man or women ,go on.
Twelve answers:
2008-04-30 00:40:25 UTC

Saba Seventh Daughter F Greek

Sabah Morning E Arabic

Saber Sword M French

Sabin From the Sabines E Italian

Sabina From the name SABINE F Latin

Sabine Of Ancient Italian Culture F Latin

Sabra Cactus Fruit F Hebrew

Sabrina Cactus Fruit F Hebrew

Sachi Girl Child of Bliss F Japanese

Sada Pure One F Japanese

Sadah Good Fortune-From Zada F Arabic

Saddam Crusher M Arabic

Sadie Princess F English

Sadiki Believe E African

Saeed Priestly M Hindi

Saeran Irish Saint F Welsh

Safara Her Place F African

Saffron Yellow Flower F English

Sage From the spice OR Prophet E English

Sagira Little One F Egyptian

Sagittarius The Archer F Latin

Sahara Wilderness F Arabic

Sahirah Clean, Pristine F Egyptian

Sahkyo Mink F Native American

Saidi Helper E African

Sailor Sailor E American

Saima Fasting woman F Arabic

Sakina Friend F Hindi

Saku Remembrance of the Lord E Japanese

Sakura Cherry blossom F Japanese

Sal From the name SALVADOR M Italian

Salali Squirrel F Native American

Salama Peaceful F Egyptian

Saleema Peaceful F Arabic

Salene Dignified one F French

Salim Peace Arabic

Sally Form of SARAH F Hebrew

Salma Ambitious F Spanish

Salome Shalom/Welcome, Peace F Hebrew

Salus Goddess of Health E Greek

Salvador Savior M Spanish

Salvatore Savior M Italian

Sam God's Word E Hebrew

Saman Shelter and security M Persian

Samantha Listener of God F Hebrew

Samara Elm Tree F Latin

Samira Entertaining F Arabic

Sammy Short for SAMUEL or SAMANTHA E Hebrew

Samson Bright as the Sun M Hebrew

Samuel God's Word M Hebrew

Sana Light F Persian

Sanaa Work of Art, Beauty F Swahili

Sanam Lover F Persian

Sancha Holy F Spanish

Sancho Saint M Spanish

Sanders Son of Alexander M Greek

Sandra Helper of Humanity F Greek

Sandro From ALEXANDER M Italian

Sandy From the name ALEXANDER E Greek

Sanford Sandy Crossing M English

Sani The Old One M Native American

Saniya Moment in Time F Hindi

Sanjay Protector M Hindi

Sanjeet Invincible E Hindi

Sanjiv Love, Life M Hindi

Sanne Lily F American

Santa Saint E Latin

Santo Holy M Spanish

Santos Saint M Greek

Sanura Kitten F Egyptian

Sanyu Happiness E Japanese

Saoirse Freedom F Celtic/Gaelic

Sapphire From the Gem F Greek

Sara Princess F Hebrew

Sarah Princess F Hebrew

Sarai My princess F Hebrew

Sarama Nice F African

Saran Joy F African

Sarda Hurried E African

Sargent Military Man M French

Sari Princess F Hebrew

Sarki Chief E African

Sasha Pet form of ALEXANDER E Russian

Sasilvia From the name Silvia F Hawaiian

Saskia Protector of Mankind F Slavic

Sasson Joy E Hebrew

Satchel Bag M American

Satin Smooth Fabric F French

Satinka Sacred Dancer F Native American

Satu Fairytale E Japanese

Satya Truth F Hindi

Sauda Dark Beauty F Swahili

Saul Borrowed M Hebrew

Savanna Open plain F Spanish

Savannah Treeless Plain F Spanish

Savea The Swedish Nation F Scandinavian

Sawyer Woodcutter E English

Saxen Swordsman E Celtic/Gaelic

Saxon Germanic Tribe E English

Saxton Swordsman E English

Scarlett Red F English

Schuyler Scholar E Dutch

Scorpio The Scorpion E Latin

Scot Of Scottish Origin M English

Scott Of Scottish Origin M English

Scout First Explorer E American

Seamus From the name JAMES M Celtic/Gaelic

Sean God is Gracious E Celtic/Gaelic

Seanna God is Gracious F Celtic/Gaelic

Season Sowing, Planting F Latin

Sebastian Venerable M Latin

Sebastien Venerable M Latin

Sebille A Fairy F English

Seda Forest Voices F Armenian

Seema Sprout F Greek

Sef Yesterday M Egyptian

Seghen Ostrich E African

Seiko Force, Truth E Japanese

Sela Rock F Hebrew

Selah Pause and reflect F Hebrew

Selam Peace F African

Selas Trinity E African

Selena The Moon F Greek

Selene Moon F French

Selia Blind F Celtic/Gaelic

Selima Brings Comfort, Peace F Hebrew

Selina Moon F Greek

Selma Divine Protector F German

Sema Divine Omen F Greek

Semah Known symbol F Arabic

Semira Fulfilled F African

Sen Lotus flower F Vietnamese

Senalda A Sign, Symbol F Spanish

Senona Lively F Spanish

Senta Assistant F German

Seoras Farmer M Celtic/Gaelic

September 7th Month F Latin

Sequoia Giant Redwood Tree F Native American

Sera Heavenly, Winged Angel F Latin

Serafina Heavenly, Winged Angel F Latin

Serena Serene, Calm F Latin

Serenity Peaceful Disposition F English

Sereno Calm, Serene M Latin

Serge Servant M Russian

Sergio Attendant M Latin

Serwa Jewel F African

Sesen To Wish For More F African

Seth Appointed M Hebrew

Seven The Number 7 E American

Severin Severe E French

Severino Severe M Latin

Sevilen Loved E Turkish

Sevita Cherished F Hindi

Seymour From the village of St. Maur. M French

Sezja Protector F Russian

Shada Pelican F Native American

Shadi Singer M Arabic

Shadow Shade from Sun E English

Shae A Gift E English

Shaina Beautiful F Hebrew

Shakila Pretty F African

Shakina Beautiful One F African

Shakir Grateful M African

Shakira Thankful F Arabic

Shakti Divine Woman F Hindi

Shalin Cotton Plant F Hindi

Shalom Peace - Hello E Hebrew

Shaman Holy Man M Native American

Shamara Ready for Battle F Arabic

Shamira Protector F Hebrew

Shamus From the name JAMES M Celtic/Gaelic

Shan Coral E Chinese

Shana God is gracious F Hebrew

Shanae From Shana F Hebrew

Shandi God is Gracious F African-American

Shandra Variation of Sandra F African-American

Shane God is gracious E Celtic/Gaelic

Shani Marvelous F Egyptian

Shania I'm On My Way F Native American

Shanna Variant of Shannon F American

Shannan Ancient God E Celtic/Gaelic

Shannen God's Gracious Gift E Celtic/Gaelic

Shannon Little wise owl E Celtic/Gaelic

Shanon From the name SHANNON F Celtic/Gaelic

Shanta Peaceful F Hindi

Shantell Song F African-American

Shanton We sing F French

Shaquana Truth in Life F African-American

Shaquille Pretty M African-American

Sharis Flat Plain F Hebrew

Sharla Little and womanly form od Charlotte F French

Sharlene From the name CHARLES F French

Sharne Desert Plain F Hebrew

Sharon A Flat clearing F Hebrew

Sharona Flat Clearing F English

Sharvani Goddess F Hindi

Shasa Precious Water F African

Shasta Three F Native American

Shateque Follower F African-American

Shaun God's gift M Celtic/Gaelic

Shauna Fem. form of SHAUN F Celtic/Gaelic

Shaunna Fem. form of SHAUN F Celtic/Gaelic

Shaw A Grove M English

Shawn From the name JOHN M Celtic/Gaelic

Shawna Fem. form of SHAUN F Celtic/Gaelic

Shay A Gift M Celtic/Gaelic

Shayla Her Gift F Celtic/Gaelic

Shaylee Fairy princess of the field F Celtic/Gaelic

Shayna Beautiful F Hebrew

Shea Fairy Place F Celtic/Gaelic

Sheadon From SHEA and DON M English

Sheba Kingdom in Arabia F Arabic

Sheehan Peacemaker F Celtic/Gaelic

Sheena God is Gracious F Celtic/Gaelic

Sheera A Song F Hebrew

Sheila From the name CECILIA F Celtic/Gaelic

Shel From the name SHELDON M English

Shelagh Blind F Celtic/Gaelic

Shelby A Sheltered Town E English

Sheldon Town in the Valley M English

Shelley Meadow on a ledge E English

Shelly Meadow on a Ledge E English

Sheng Victory M Chinese

Shepry Friendly and honest mediator F American

Sheri From Sharon F Hebrew

Sheridan Wild E Celtic/Gaelic

Sherine From Sharon F Hebrew

Sherise From the name CHARISSE F Greek

Sherlock Fair Haired M English

Sherman Cloth Cutter M English

Sherri Beloved F Hebrew

Sherry Beloved F Hebrew

Sherwood From the Bright Forest M English

Sheryl Charity F English

Shiela Blind F Celtic/Gaelic

Shields Loyal protector E Celtic/Gaelic

Shilah Brother M Native American

Shiloh Peaceful E Hebrew

Shima Mother F Native American

Shing To Become M Chinese

Shino Stem of Bamboo M Japanese

Shira A Song F Hebrew

Shiri Song of my Soul F Hebrew

Shirin Sweet F Persian

Shirina Love Song F American

Shirley Bright Meadow F English

Shirlyn Bright Meadow F English

Shlomo Peaceful M Hebrew

Shona Fem. form of John F Hebrew

Shoney Sea God E Celtic/Gaelic

Shoshana Lily F Hebrew

Shoshanah Rose F Hebrew

Shoushan Lily F Armenian

Shu Fang Kind, Gentle F Chinese

Shuang Bright, Clear E Chinese

Shubha Auspicious M Hebrew

Shyla Goddess F Hindi

Sian God's Gracious Gift F Welsh

Sibley Brother or Sister E English

Sibyl Seer F Latin

Sid From the name SIDNEY M English

Sidney Contraction of St. Denys M French

Sidone It is Heard F African-American

Sidonia To Ensnare F Latin

Sidonie Flower F French

Sidra Star Born F Latin

Sienna Reddish Brown F Italian

Sierra Mountain F Spanish

Signa Signal, Sign F Scandinavian

Sigourney The conqueror. E Scandinavian

Sika Money F African

Silas Man of the Forest M Latin

Sileas Yourthful F Celtic/Gaelic

Silko Nubian King M African

Silvain Forest M French

Silvana Forest F Latin

Silver The Color Silver M English

Silvia From the Forest F Latin

Sima Treasure, Prize F African

Simba Lion M African

Simeon He Heard M Latin

Simon It is heard M Hebrew

Simone It is Heard F French

Sinclair A Clear Sign M French

Sine Jane, God is Gracious F Celtic/Gaelic

Sinead God is Gracious F Celtic/Gaelic

Sinjin Saint John M English

Siobhan God is Gracious F Celtic/Gaelic

Siran Lovely F Armenian

Sirius Sparkling, Scorching M Greek

Sirvat Rose F Armenian

Sissy From the name CECILIA F Celtic/Gaelic

Sitara Starlight F Hindi

Siusan Lily F Celtic/Gaelic

Sivan June M Hebrew

Siyamak Man with dark eyes M Persian

Siyanda We Are Growing F African

Siyavash Owner of black horses M Persian

Skah White M Native American

Skip From the name SKIPPER M American

Skipper Shipmaster M English

Skule Hide E Scandinavian

Sky Sky E American

Skye From the Isle of Skye E Celtic/Gaelic

Skyla Learned One F Celtic/Gaelic

Skylar Learned One E Scandinavian

Skyler Learned One E Scandinavian

Slade Child of the
2008-04-30 01:03:06 UTC
Ok, 1st of all, I think ronnie is making some of those up (Safari?!) Anyway, so all the names we've heard plus: Stephen, Steve, Scott, Shannon, Sheena, Surefoot (Native American) Shirley, Susan, Suzy, Sue, Samantha, Sammy, Sean (pronounced Shawn) Sinead (Irish) Suki (Japanese) Sissy, Shelly, Sinderella, Sophie, Sophia, Sam, Samuel, Soleil (French) Sarah, Seraphena, Sindi, Sabrina, Sadie, Samson, Sandy, Sapphire, Scarlett, Savannah, Sybil, Sheila,

Selena, Serena, Shania, Simone, Stephanie, Sheryl (my sis!) Spencer, Siobhan (Irish, prounounced "Shiv-on") Shoshana (Jerry Seinfelds wife) Stan, Sierra (my niece), ummmmmm.... Shawndra, Shayla, Stanley, Sebastian, did I already say Shirley? Well, anyway that's it.
2008-04-30 00:36:24 UTC
Sarah, Stacy, Sabrina, Susanna, Sasha, Sally, Sharon, Sian, Shona, Samantha, Sam, Stewert, Steven, Steve.. thats all I can think of.
2016-04-02 04:06:26 UTC
What I can make out is (if its not a pranks question; that is to say); lets analyse the question so one clue must be that the boys name were taken from either old testament or new testament; considering Dan as short to Prophet Daniel of Book of Daniel and John either from Prophet Jonah of Book of Jonah or even Saint John The Apostle from New Testament.. So following that pattern(also clue from Snolura's answer when you said she was closest) I would go for "Thomas" from Saint Thomas or also known as Thomas the Doubting Apostle(doubting Thomas) the one who would not believe the resurrection of Jesus until he saw Jesus with his own eyes( this considering your clue "maybe").. Thats all; hey atleast I tried...
2008-05-01 00:50:25 UTC
sam, sarah, sandy, samantha, samuel, shameeka, susy, susan, sally, sabina, sadie, sammy, sharapova, sun, skye, selena, sirila, sandra, sorella, serena, sari, seti, slone, seva, sera, shandra, shannah, saji, sed, sefir, sharpay, shar

and technically speaking i could give you any name evenif it doesn't start with an s so...

alistar, allison, casca, jules, james, vanessa, cassandra, cassy, lester, chester, jasper, nessa, elsa, and okay i don't know anymore...
2008-04-30 00:42:18 UTC
sandy, sonal, suzan, sameer, shilpa, sameera, smita, sonia, shanel, sabeena, subrina, sachin, sachet, sadah, sadie, sadiya, simiran, saeed, safara, sage, sagira, sahkyo, saif, shakira, shakti, soreena, spencer, sumtra, steve, stan, stacy, staphan, summer, sunny, suchi, sujata, subhnam, sydney, suzy, swain, syesha, sebastein.
2008-04-30 00:36:34 UTC
Steven,sara,stacy,sherry,sam,sammy,samuel,siera,savannah,samantha,susan,susanah,stephanie,uh I'm done.
2008-04-30 00:38:57 UTC

I think Ronnie wins.
2008-04-30 00:42:37 UTC





sameer these r all names








etc---------- etc------------
2008-04-30 00:36:51 UTC













girl in a world
2008-04-30 00:31:58 UTC
sara (me!)
2008-04-30 00:35:06 UTC




























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