2009-01-16 21:15:47 UTC
When I was in high school, our basketball team was on their way to the state championship. And our school would take us on a bus to the game. It was a 3 hour drive to get to Austin(Texas) from Dallas. So my best friend(a guy) thought it would be fun to get really drunk before we went. So at school, he would drink vodka out of a water bottle until it was time to leave.
I told him to go to the restroom before we got on the bus, he said he didn't have to go. So we get on the bus, and I say about an hour went by. He said he had to pee real bad. We were in the middle of no where. He asked the bus driver how long until we stopped for a rest and she said that we weren't stopping. So he's crossing his legs extremely tight, like a girl. His eyes are squinting, by this time everyone on the bus is laughing at him, thinking he's going to pee on himself.
The teacher that was going with us told him to just hold it, my in 30 minutes when we come up on a gas station or something we would stop. Well he couldn't wait, he told me to let him sit by the window because he was about to just pee on the bus. I didn't believe him. We switched, by now everyone is wondering what is he about to do.
Well, he actually pees on the bus! And it was a long stream of pee too! Everyone is freaked out & disgusted! The teacher doesn't know what's going on, she asks, "Where's that water coming from on the floor?" We had to put our feet up to keep it from getting on our shoes. All the students know what he did the teacher is still lost as to what's happening.
And five minutes later we find a gas station and stop. People from the other buses that were going knew what happened. The teacher asks him why isn't he getting off the bus. He told her he was fine now. She asks where did that water on the floor come from, we say his bottle wasted. Other kids are saying "I can't believe he peed on the bus." The urine odor is strong, the teacher says, "Alright, what's going on? Whatever you guys are doing, it's not funny. It stinks on this bus, stop playing around." By that time I think she kinda figured it out.
Sorry for the long post!