If we had the Euro we would be in a worse mess.
If you have one currency, then you have to have one interest rate. OK?
Which means we couldn't have dropped interest rates today which has just happened.
So if we were in the Euro today...
1. People would not be getting cheaper mortgages (they would be paying more)
2. Because they had dearer mortages they would have less money to spend.
3. Because they had less money to spend, the shops would be in an even worse state than they are now and be making even more job cuts.
You really don't have a good understanding about basic economics if you think the Euro is a good idea.
I reckon you're quite young otherwise you would know that throughout the WHOLE of the 90's and until 2006 we outperformed every country that had the Euro.
So what your saying is we should have had it years ago and not even had a decent boom but instead be dragged along in the gutter like the rest of the Eurozone countries??
Since the Euro started the UK has had LOWER unemployment than every single Euro country and experienced top end GDP growth.
Get your facts right before getting on to a topic you don't know much about!
TWO things reallu annoy me about this topic..
1. People that say 'i like the pound'
2. People that say 'we should have the euro because i'd have more holiday money'
I don't care if you like the pound or you want more money to spend on holiday.. The Euro would be financially very bad for the UK.
Regardless of silly arguments - the basic financial argument wins and that is it would be catastrophic for our economy to be tied in with the Eurozone.