What would you do quiz?
2010-01-25 18:26:29 UTC
What would you do...

1. If i randomly kissed you

2. Saw Santa Clause making out with the Easter Bunny

3. Woke up with your head shaved

4. Woke up in a different body

5. Saw a hippo run down your street

6. If a spider started talking to you

7. If sex was made illegal

8 Woke up next to Britney Spears

9. Died and came back as a Fish

10. Star If you found this quiz fun
28 answers:
2010-01-25 18:38:03 UTC
1. my crazy teenage hormones would take over and we would probably have s*x?

2. 2 imaginary dudes making out. hawt.

3. probably run out of my house to the wig store?

4. well, it depends...girl's or boy's body?

5. get my pet lion to chase it down.

6. start talking about the hardships of it's life and then we would hug and become best friends and get married and have little platypus children because everyone knows that if you cross a human with a spider you get a platypus.

7. WHUT????

8. ...but i though justin timberlake was my booty call.

9. eat my own poo.

10. *******************************STAR******************
2010-01-25 18:42:33 UTC
1. If i randomly kissed you- whoo man i don't rock that way!

2. Saw Santa Clause making out with the Easter Bunny- i knew it would happen one day ♥santa and ester bunny 4 ever ♥

3. Woke up with your head shaved-wow that must have been some night last night *lol im doing the britney spears look*

4. Woke up in a different body-ahhh this anit my body!!!

5. Saw a hippo run down your street-hey that's were my pet hippo hippi ran off to.

6. If a spider started talking to you- talk to it *not realy i will probity yell then run off like a Little kid screaming and waving my hand in the air yell "the spider is planing on takeing over the world".

7. If sex was made illegal-ok im going to jail then

8 Woke up next to Britney Spears-ahhhhh

9. Died and came back as a Fish-gup gup

10. Star If you found this quiz fun-No i will not do what you say so, u know what im gona start this because it was so boaring uh yeah what are you doing to do about that huh huh thats right nothing!
2010-01-25 18:37:56 UTC
1. If i randomly kissed you- look at you funny.

2. Saw Santa Clause making out with the Easter Bunny - rub my eyes, I must be seeing things when 2 fictional characters make out

3. Woke up with your head shaved - I'm going balistic

4. Woke up in a different body - I'm going to enjoy the experience...or not

5. Saw a hippo run down your street - I'll look from a distance

6. If a spider started talking to you - amazing. After the initial shock, I would talk to it.

7. If sex was made illegal - Just made it all the more exciting

8 Woke up next to Britney Spears - I'm taking photos and blackmailing her

9. Died and came back as a Fish - do what fish do, I guess.

10. Star If you found this quiz fun
2010-01-26 04:29:45 UTC
1. If i randomly kissed you: no! u're a girl! maybe i'll slap u, but if u were a boy, a pretty boy i'll do the same!

2. Saw Santa Clause making out with the Easter Bunny: take a pic, get my video cam and record it post it in youtube and then ta daa!! one million views.

3. Woke up with your head shaved: i'll probably cry, blame it on my mom even if she have nothing to do with it

4. Woke up in a different body: said to myself im dreaming

5. Saw a hippo run down your street: i will be like: oh ****! then take a pic of it.

6. If a spider started talking to you: i would run away, get scared bcoz, i might have second thoughts that the spider was not the one talking but the ghost of my old friend.

7. If sex was made illegal: i'll kill whoever made it illegal. man that sucks! im still a virgin!

8 Woke up next to Britney Spears:maybe i'll have second thoughts if that's britney, i'll get up and find mom, ask him who that britney spears look alike person was..

9. Died and came back as a Fish: i think i'll be dreaming

10. Star If you found this quiz fun: i already did!
EMC =] ♥ Retired
2010-01-25 18:40:31 UTC
1. If i randomly kissed you-I'd freak out and slap you.

2. Saw Santa Clause making out with the Easter Bunny-I'd take many pictures, then vomit.

3. Woke up with your head shaved-Scream!

4. Woke up in a different body-I honestly have no idea. I'd probably faint at first.

5. Saw a hippo run down your street-Scream and grab the camera and chase it..

6. If a spider started talking to you -Scream again and kill it. Or listen to it, if it was nice and didn't want to kill me.

7. If sex was made illegal-I'd break the law(in the future;i'm still a virgin)

8 Woke up next to Britney Spears-Scream and run out of my house.

9. Died and came back as a Fish-Enjoy my new fish life!

10. Star If you found this quiz fun-Star for you!
2010-01-25 18:36:34 UTC
What would you do...

1. If i randomly kissed you: Be like O.o

2. Saw Santa Clause making out with the Easter Bunny: :-O

3. Woke up with your head shaved: Scream

4. Woke up in a different body: Scream again then probably enjoy it and screw up someones life :)

5. Saw a hippo run down your street: Get into my house. Those things are dangerous.

6. If a spider started talking to you: Respond then wonder why im talking to a spider.

7. If sex was made illegal: Cry cause im still a virgin

8 Woke up next to Britney Spears: What the hell.

9. Died and came back as a Fish: Glub glub glub.

10. Star If you found this quiz fun: Rofl.
Penny Lane
2010-01-25 18:30:25 UTC
1. If i randomly kissed you: Have that "wtf" look on my face.

2. Saw Santa Clause making out with the Easter Bunny: Ew..

3. Woke up with your head shaved: Cry.

4. Woke up in a different body: If it was a good body, I'd be happy.

5. Saw a hippo run down your street: Take a picture.

6. If a spider started talking to you: Talk back.

7. If sex was made illegal: Nothing. Yet.

8 Woke up next to Britney Spears: Oh my god. D: NO.

9. Died and came back as a Fish: Hope I didn't live near any sharks.

10. Star If you found this quiz fun
2010-01-25 19:21:36 UTC
1.Push you off of me hard and say look at you crazy"WTF is wrong with you,I don't go like that"

2.My childhood of Santa and the Easter bunny never be the same again lol.

3.Cry hysterically and punch the mirror real hard.Might as well get a damn wig then

4.Depends,if it's more voluptuous,I'll show it off more with a whole new wardrobe in my closet.

5.Look at the window really shocked but try not to let it see me because it might feel threatened or scared coming towards me.I'll probably try to call the police quick and get my reward.

6.I have a phobia of those type of insects so I'll will even be more scared and scream.

7.Damn,uh...don't have sex or move to a different state or country.

8.Speechless to even say anything before even doing anything.

9.Very suprised and just have an experience living as fish for once.

10. Star! ;-)
2010-01-25 18:33:06 UTC
1. Yes.

2. No.

3. B.

4. False.

5. Yes.

6. No.

7. No.

8. All of the above.

9. C.

10. No.
2010-01-25 18:33:04 UTC
1) If your hot, then probably make out with you

2) Laugh my *** off

3) Buy stock in some beautiful wigs

4) Depends on if it's a guy body or a girl body.

Guy body- probably be a asshole for a day, just to see why guys do it and what the thrill of it is all about

Girl body- probably dress myself up.. iono.. it'd be just like my body.. not much fun

5) Take pictures and post it on YouTube

6) Ask it, "Why do you crawl in my house unannounced, and WHY are you talking to me?"

7) I'd break the law every day

8) Steal her money and run

9) I don't know... try not to die again, I don't want to know what the next thing would be I'd come back as.

10) I think I will! Thanks!
2010-01-25 18:38:04 UTC
1. Made a new version of Chris Browned

2. Make a sex tape

3. "Ahhhh, how refreshing!"

4. "Ohhh la la~ Wait Taylor Lautner's body! YEAHHHH BOIIIIIII!"

5. Ram it with a truck, no with another rhino.

6. Kill it with no chance of survival. Then go back and step on it. Then again. Again. Again. Again. and again.

7. Easy, just go to Mars. O_o

8. Sharpie her face and videotape it

9. Pshh, a fish? Crazay, only I can become more than a fish. I'd be a zombie/man/cat/horse/Mufasa/Klondikbar/fish. Duhhhhhhh

10. I'd have sex with this quiz, but it would hurt, the computer is too big. xD
2010-01-25 18:34:59 UTC
1. I would randomly smack your booty.

2. That will never happen.

3. My head is never going to been shaved.

4. I would explore with that body.

5. I would run.

6. I would be scared.

7. It don't matter to me.

8. I would talk to her.

9. I don't know.

10. Ok.
2016-09-29 16:50:37 UTC
a million. he's okay. i does no longer call myself a fan yet i'm no longer a hater the two. I basically think of he's okay and probably even cool at circumstances. 2. Ummm... how is that wrestling correct? Blue. 3. HHH as a pal because of the fact then i might desire to bypass to all the exhibits and meet all the wrestlers. it may well be rather cool. 4. Cena as a cousin because of the fact i myself do no longer want a brother and HBK appears like a jerk. 5. JBL as a brother. Dunno. he's cool.
2010-01-25 18:33:38 UTC
1. Tell you to get the f off!

2. I would sing, "I saw Santa kissing the Easter Bunny!"

3. "HOLY CRAP!" I would say, then scream.

4. Depends. What body?

5. Laugh, and then be confused.

6. Name him David

7. Do it anyway.

8. Scream!

9. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming! Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, that's what I'd do, just swim!

10. I'll star it! Or will I?'re lucky I'm bored.
2010-01-25 18:33:02 UTC
1. Not sure ;; depends on how you look..

2. Think of what their babies would look like.

3. Freaking scream!

4. Sorta find it cool..then scream.

5. Chase after it! duh!

6. Squish it. Spiders are scary.

7. Law are meant to be broken.

8. Tug on her hair to see if its real.

9. Help to find Nemo.

10. Maybe..
2010-01-25 18:41:33 UTC
1. Punch your nose off.

2. Join them

3. Fcking kill whoever did you

4. Start touching myself

5. Start rolling in mud

6. I would kill it

7. Do it anyway

8. shave her head for shaving mine

9. Eat myself

10. Here is a little pixel star
2010-01-25 18:33:08 UTC
1. Kiss you back on the cheek. (It's OK if girls kiss eachother lol)

2. Take pictures

3. Buy a wig

4. Scream

5. Take pictures

6. Scream

7. Never had it yet

8. Scream

9. FML

10. OK
2010-01-25 18:30:29 UTC
1. Penis

2. Penis

3. Penis

4. Penis

5. Penis

6. Penis

7. Penis

8. Penis

9. Penis


That punk Betty Crocker is starting to piss me off.
2010-01-25 18:58:03 UTC
1. i would slap you (sorry for being rude)

2. lol

3. omg

4. if its a good one..then its okay..if not then search for my Originall one..and try my best to make it mine again

5. take a pic

6. i would be glad to talk back

7. its okay...

8. no no no!!!!NO!!!!!!!!!

9. oh! it would be lovely to experience the marine world

10. yeah..surely!!


good luck:)
2010-01-25 18:35:27 UTC
Punch you

OMFG Eggs with presents inside them!! SWEET!

.... I hope it went to Locks of Love!

Cool :

.... Holy crap I can't outrun that!!

Scream, I have arachnophobia


... I'm a lesbian?

:( I will never eat uncannily appetizing food including corn or bread :o
2010-01-25 18:35:44 UTC
1 wtf

2 gross

3 im bald anyway

4 depends on what body

5 go back to bed

6 uuuummmmm...step on it spiders shouldn't talk unless your high


8 hope i dont get aids

9 kinda sweet but not that much

10 i did
2010-01-25 18:34:58 UTC
suck on rotten turkey eggs

make it a threesome

shave the rest of my body

shave my body

chase it

smash it

break the law

break the law stated in number 7


2010-01-25 18:30:54 UTC
1. slap you

2, laugh my *** off

3. cry

4. whoah

5. haha . laugh again

6. omg . scream and cry .

7. haha .

8. scream .

9. be happy for my afterlife.

10. huh ?
2010-01-25 18:32:57 UTC
1. I would poop on your shoe. That'd stop you.

2. I would take a video and release it as porn on YouTube.

3. I would poop the bed.

4. I would poop in their body.

5. I would watch him poop as he ran.

6. I would ask him if he poops.

7. Then I would poop for pleasure.

8. I would smell her poop.

9. I would remember pooping as a fish.
bubbly chick
2010-01-25 18:34:55 UTC
1. depends on how hot u r

2. um wtf random lol

3. cry my eyes out

4. flip out fo a sec then realize it mite b cool

5. um stare at it till it turned the corner

6. scream. im so scared of spiders

7. whoa dang

8. ew

9. swim my brains out

10. * kinda
★คℓɇxiƨ the ρєяfєcт ρяιи¢єss☆
2010-01-25 18:31:06 UTC
1.kiss bak


3.scream than kill myself


5.i would run to catch it bak



2010-01-25 18:33:40 UTC









2010-01-25 18:38:24 UTC
Say " oh " to all of em....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.