Nathaniel Hoobler
2012-11-18 16:02:00 UTC
September 24, 2013 - 11:07 PM - North Carolina
Evil thoughts filled his head as TJ Thomas, junior, sat in his high school cafeteria staring at the clock, anxiously waiting...
He pulls out a gun and shoots and kills a girl, then gives a crumpled up piece of paper to another girl, Holly Hatchet. He runs outside and gets run over by a car and dies in front of the school.
11:15 - Holly’s best friend, Sally Speltz, reads the note out loud that TJ gave to Holly:
"You’ve read the first word of this note. Now it is too late to escape your immanent death, unless you carry out the following tasks:
1. Intentionally and directly give this note to another human being whom you do not know the first name and/or surname of, and who has never touched the note before.
2. Intentionally and directly kill another human being whom you do know the first name and surname of.
Failure to complete both tasks within 6 hours, 6 minutes, and 6 seconds after reading the first word on this note will result in immediate death.
Success will result in immortality."
She doesn’t believe it is real. Holly believes it could be. She reads it an hour later when she and Sally are in her bedroom. They are home alone. They hear about the shooting at their school while watching the news, and Holly and Sally have a discussion about it and the note. Holly suggest that TJ died because he didn’t follow the rules of the note (he gave it to her and she is his ex girlfriend, so he knows her full name; and he killed someone who he does not know the name of.) Also on the news, they hear about a ship that is leaving that night and is bigger in size than the Titanic, called Titanic: Successful (TS). It is planned to follow and complete the same voyage that the Titanic went on. Also, a weather forecast: minor Hurricane Lucifer in the Atlantic Ocean, far off the coast of North Carolina. TS: - still scheduled to take off.
5:21 - Holly kills Sally in her bedroom (Holly‘s bedroom). She tries to rip the note, but something inside her - a feeling that it deserves to exist - stops her. Her mom (only parent) arrives at home. Holly leaves to go to the public library, with the note in her pocket, and a book in her hand. She lies to her mom, “I’ll return for dinner.”
6:06 - Jeremy Sayre sits in the comic book section of the library, reading. The library is empty. He is a 17 year old who is home schooled. Holly enters the library and gives the note to him, then leaves. He reads it, doesn’t believe it is real, but keeps it in his pocket anyways and leaves the library.
7:15 - Holly sneaks onto the TS with an alias: Hazel Hoffer. About 3000 passengers are aboard. While on it she sees Jeremy, who is with his father and little sister. He gives the note to someone random, and kills his own father. Holly introduces herself to him as Hazel Hoffer. They begin to have a discussion about the note, when they are interrupted by a loud thud and a shake of the ship. The ship has hit an iceberg. It begins to sink and Holly and Jeremy jump off of the ship in the ice cold ocean water.