Yes I do, along with voices...
AND I saw some of your other answers. People make light of this...
They think it's a joke I guess.
I have lived through 4 very serious skull fractures that resulted in concussions-head injuries. I have had to learn to cope with paranoia and psychosis and being a sociopath.
Every body thinks it's SOOOOOOOOOOO funny!
I'm here to tell you it isn't!
I have nightmares, so I don't sleep well...
When the police come around asking questions I get really nervous because they're all packing heat. I was a soldier once. I carried a weapon. There's a huge responsibility that comes with it. Most policemen understand the nature of head injury survivors and make a very earnest effort to communicate with us that they respect our experiences and that they have no intentions of doing us any harm.
Then there are places like this...
I can't lash out and let you know how much it hurts me to talk about the voices and strange noises I hear and I can't communicate to you how much it hurts me that people make light of it.
Do any of you who answer questions like this and make light of it like it is some kind of joke know any veterans?
I'm not trying to go on the attack and belittle the person who asked this question. I'm trying very hard to make a connection with all of you out in cyber-space that what others read in your answers may seem disrespectful and hurtful at times.
I give the asker of the question the benefit of the doubt, they were asking a question.
I'll give the rest of you who make a joke out of this the benefit of ignorance.
Good question.
and I hope that if you are going through this that you have someone close to you to talk to. Sometimes, our imagination gets carried away with itself.
Sometimes, we just can't help it.
Good luck
star for you
Sorry all, I've seen other questions like this and have not seen so much honesty and candor before now. There are many of you who have given very good answers and I was only venting a bit of my experiences with intolerance in my own life. Many thanks to everyone for being supportive. I just hope my answer makes some smart-aleck think twice before making a cruel joke of this question.