Sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn`t!
It`s about contrasts...seeing somewhere as being exotic because it it so different to what you are used too.
I grew up in central Africa, and working in the UK many years later am always fascinated to see just how exotic visiting Africans can find our country!
Certain things always provoke a response, and a grab for the camera, just as we would if we were in their world and saw a lion.
For example...our birds...I`ve have seen Africans absolutely gobsmacked by Blue **** at at a feeder (they look like little tame parrots when you see them with fresh eyes).....and Banded Cattle grazing in Scotland.
Those from deep in the bush...see our tame countryside with its dense understory (instead of patches of bare sand) as lush and probably full of starnge animals. I remember this myself, fresh from Africa, peering into a rabbit hole and wondering what kind of snake or mole rat or predator could live
But my favourite memory was taking an excited group from the interior.....where salt is rare and the seaside, where all had to taste the salt in the sand, unbelieving that such riches were just lying all around....our little UK island is surrounded by Gold!
So..if you live in the UK, yes, Dear Asker..this is the least exotic place on Earth.
But if you come from somewhere very different, someplace that we would consider exotic, then it can be the MOST exotic place on Earth!