Poll : In your opinion, who's the most famous and influential historical figure known to mankind?
2015-10-28 12:56:31 UTC
Poll : In your opinion, who's the most famous and influential historical figure known to mankind?
193 answers:
2015-10-30 04:02:49 UTC
Is this really a question? Fame and influence does not mean they are a good person. Bad people and actions have much more of an impact on society. Therefore, the most famous and influential person could not possibly be a positive person. Mankind simply does not allow it.

It is Hitler. Known by everyone, he changed everything.

Positive people only impact a particular group of people that believe in what they are doing. Negative people impact those who believe in them, and everyone who doesn't.
2015-10-29 17:52:06 UTC
Hernan Cortes did literally the impossible and helped shape the world today, though history protrays him as a ruthless slave driving Native American mass murderer, it was because of something called the black legend, lies spun from English against the Spanish in the 1500's

Hernan Cortes ended the Aztec empire which was basically an ancient version of the Nazi machine (They believed themselves superior) that raided other tribes, raping and stealing all they can and he did It with 400 men, few guns, a mutiny and very low supplies, later he help established a community for the native american tribes he freed from the Aztec Empire, set up self goverments with ruling native americans/spainards and completely was against slavery and or any pillage (Punishments were severe)

Note: The Aztec had thousands of warriors too.
2015-10-31 12:18:52 UTC
I believe that Jesus Christ is the most famous AND influential person. Whether you believe in him as savior or not, you are influenced by him because you probably come into daily contact with those who have made changes in their daily lives and make decisions based off of him. The largest religious group in the world consists of Christians, followers of Christ. History has changed because of wars fought over him. The sign of the cross is everywhere. Hitler may have been one of the most influential people in the last century but once people came to realize how messed up he was after the war was over, the vast majority of people discontinued following him. But even after 2000 years people still follow and seek glory for Jesus
2015-10-31 23:06:40 UTC
All the people saying bad people are more influential are . . . Pretty much right. Hate to admit it, but it's true.

What throws celebrities into the spotlight more: them donating some thousands to charity or having an affair? Yeah, the affair would get more people talking.

Therefore, dictators like Napoleon or, yes, Hitler would be more influential to the world, especially considering the scale to which their actions shaped and affected it.
2015-11-02 01:28:25 UTC
In modern day. Rudy Benavidez is probably the most influential person know. His views on society being so greedy are frownd upon by so many because the world as a hole is so greedy. He has written books that won't be published because government doesn't want society to know his ideas. He lives in his car because he refuses to pay high cost of living. He steals whatever he can because feels society owes him. He eats like a bum but has a decent job. Rudy Benavidez has given many speeches on his views at several college campuses but nobody listens because society is greedy. He's kind of a modern day John Lennon.
2015-10-29 22:08:39 UTC
Hitler. I wish i could say nelson mandela or my personal favourite gandhi but those guys are only INFLUENTIAL to people who are trying to do good in this world and help their fellow beings and stand against hatred and injustice. But I feel like the majority of people really don't give two shits about anyone else, people are happy as long as they have wifi and their favourite things, regardless of where it came from or who died or bled their fingers to a bone to make it for them. People are also so freaking horrible to each other sometimes, it's disgusting and people are destroying everything else on the planet. Selfish, greedy, hateful and ignorant, most people regardless of anything else, harbour those traits so strongly :( I think they're more hitler than anything else. So yeah hitler. Even though everyone hates hitler, a lot of people just seem to love hate nowadays :( :(
2015-11-01 10:55:24 UTC
Barring religious implications, i cite Jesus of Nazareth as having greatest lasting influence, and will continue to kindle the necessary human inquiry into what could possibly be the compunction of a sole Creator...Creator being a modulus, as is the identities, God.,Mother Nature, Great Spirit., The Last Word.

One can compare their mindset with his at age 30. How else can an influence else be vital if one must wait to the brink of death to liken their life to another? He had a very loving and mentally questionable mother, things that all of our Moms are. His loving philosohy and zeal for God's love is not a thing that is left to how he grew up, for this is left to individual conjecture. Jesus was powerfully non-violent, and his visions of human and environmental wellness were well accepted in every faith around the globe. To call his perished soul of the Christ is the honor by which he hath given unto us.
2015-10-31 18:05:12 UTC
George Washington
2015-10-31 12:14:39 UTC
Jesus. He set an example above what any man had Seen before. The books about his life are practical and create happiness to those who seek to follow him. The Bible is the world's most wide spread book. Following it gives hope for the future in an unhappy world. can answer some of the biggest questions known to man.
2015-10-31 09:16:30 UTC
George Washington
2015-10-31 05:41:56 UTC
my opinion could sound strange but i think that there are no historical figures famous and influential at the same time and for everyone, i mean for every group and society. And also that the most famous ones have to be the most influent and the opposite.
2015-10-31 09:03:14 UTC
There is no more than Jesus of Nazaret that was a very easy when people believe Jesus is the most influential person that ever lived and is and will be your lives are lives are influenced by him from the day you were born until the day you die who else can do that
The Originalist
2015-11-02 08:16:50 UTC
Golly, this is the easiest question to answer. Obviously it is Jesus of Nazareth. One man who lived 2000 years ago now has over two billion followers. You don't even have to be religious to agree with that. Just like if the question was solely about the 20th century that answer would be unarguably Adolf Hitler even though he was the biggest scum ever born, he was still highly influential.
2015-10-29 08:35:08 UTC
Miss November
2015-10-28 15:27:53 UTC
Miss November
2015-11-02 01:32:10 UTC
Can't forget The Cookie Monster.
Worldly Creation
2015-10-29 20:08:34 UTC
God or any religious figure basically.

Before you say that I am religious, they truly are. I mean.... just based off Islam and Christianity alone, that's like over 3 to 4 billion people if I am not mistaken. They are worldly known that even non religious and Atheists know them. (Whether because they are forced or just know is irrelevant)

I don't get why I was downvoted. Like literally everyone talks and debates about religious figures, especially God or Jesus. Is this not a fact? They are very known and famous people. Smh okay then though.
2015-10-29 08:02:55 UTC
Abraham Lincoln
2015-10-31 16:43:26 UTC
Hitler, you didn't say they had to be a good influence. But studying him for a while, I realised if he had good intentions e.g. Wanted to stop raicism. He could've easily become a good influential historic figure. Due to his oracle skills and how he could easily make crowds of people listen to

2015-10-31 08:37:28 UTC
Prophet Muhammad Pbuh
2015-10-30 18:10:06 UTC
Ronald Reagan
2015-10-31 14:52:24 UTC
Jesus Christ, without a doubt.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

the only Son of God,

eternally begotten of the Father,

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made,

one in Being with the Father.

Through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation,

he came down from heaven:

by the power of the Holy Spirit

he was born of the Virgin Mary,

and became man.

For our sake he was crucified

under Pontius Pilate;

he suffered died and was buried.

On the third day he rose again

in fulfillment of the Scriptures;

he ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead,

and his kingdom will have no end.
2015-10-28 18:27:19 UTC
Donald Trump
2015-10-29 10:35:01 UTC
2015-10-29 17:51:54 UTC
Leonardo Da Vinci
2015-11-01 12:38:41 UTC
Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Hitler, Ford, Rockefeller, Martin Luther, Caesar, Cyrus the Great, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Aristotle, Einstein, Newton and Colombus are the most.

Now if i had to pick a single one which would be extremely difficult it would be Hitler.
2015-11-01 15:54:12 UTC
Influential: Plato

Famous: Hitler
2015-10-28 16:17:59 UTC
Both Jesus and Mohammed are equally famous and influential. Both are historical figures. Others are there but they are famous but not that influential and these are not as universally accepted as Jesus or Mohammed.
2015-10-29 06:11:06 UTC
John Cena
2015-10-29 19:02:22 UTC
Adolf Hitler and his legacy has defined the entirety of history up to now. The division of post-war Germany and the development of nuclear weapons to combat Germany before it was used on Japan created the Cold War mentality with mutually assured destruction. WWII also proved that a U.N. was needed to keep the insane in check.

Adolf is in the center of a web of history that begins in the early 20th century, everything that came about from WWII, which he started, can be linked back to him, and everything that came about from entities that came about from WWII, like the U.N., can be linked to him.
2015-10-30 17:37:16 UTC
Johannes Gutenburg
2015-10-29 20:42:09 UTC
Napoléon Bonaparte
2015-10-28 22:59:37 UTC
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill even Americans Go to schools named after Him and Canadians have the Churchill ranges

the USN has ship called the Winston Churchill

thumbs down the Question is MY opinion not yours stupid
2015-10-29 00:35:27 UTC
It s a toss up between Buddha and Christ.

Whether you are religious or not, the influence of these two figures cannot be underestimated. No Emperor, President, Scientist, Dictator, have effected so much history and so many humans.
2015-10-29 20:10:21 UTC
Kanye West. JK!!! Possibly Nicolai Tesla
2015-10-28 22:05:29 UTC
There was an ancient cave man.

Someone made contact with him and shared great knowledge of the universe and the other dimensions. They blew his freaking mind telling him stuff.

The poor basstard couldn't even write it down.
2015-10-29 09:47:25 UTC
I think a very influential historical figure for females could be Susan B. Anthony
2015-10-28 19:35:25 UTC
Iesous Kristos
2015-10-29 21:49:17 UTC
Abe Lincoln
2015-11-02 07:46:24 UTC
i'm going to have to go with the obvious answer on this, its Super Mario, everyone knows who and what i'm talking about, even if they never played the games, it doesn't mater if you're 2 years old or 80. everyone. Super Mario is a game God, has his own religious cult, pioneered the worlds of modern gaming as we know it, he doesn't just have one book, he has piles of books in his name. I could go on and on.. :p lol,
2015-11-03 08:55:34 UTC
Apparently, Gingis Khan is an ancestor to 28% of the people over a very large swath of Asia. That would be hard to top.
2015-10-31 13:05:55 UTC
Genghis Khan
2015-10-30 18:20:20 UTC
Nikola Tesla
2015-10-29 13:24:54 UTC
Nikola Tesla
2015-10-31 14:00:37 UTC
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Castiel Cassie
2015-10-29 18:44:31 UTC
Adolf Hitler. I don't worship him. I don't agree with what he did. But he did a **** tonne. Good and bad. He shaped the world and without him, who knows what we'd be like today? Just cold hard truth. Hitting ya like ten tonnes of bricks.
2015-10-28 18:32:06 UTC
Thomas Jeferson.
2015-10-29 07:52:23 UTC
Thomas Jeferson.
2015-10-29 20:09:30 UTC
Wyatt Earp
2015-10-29 11:57:17 UTC
Honestly, Adolf Hitler changed the world dramatically during his time. Even though he may be hated, he is partially to thank for ending the great depression and starting the next great industrial and technological revolution.
2015-10-28 16:52:14 UTC
Thomas Jeferson.
2015-10-28 12:56:59 UTC
2015-10-28 22:40:57 UTC
Karl Marx
2015-10-29 10:54:56 UTC
Possibly Plato.
2015-10-30 04:13:28 UTC
Jesus Christ, without a shade of doubt...Not only because he was a good fellow, but because he changed a name of the game in his time. Until then power was everything, after Christ self - control became important. You could argue we have politicians these days that are no better than Nero or Cligula in times of Romans and you'd be right, but no sane leader or other figure of any substantial public influence can nowadays totally ignore values preached and lived by Jesus Christ.
2015-10-29 17:21:31 UTC
Jesus is my first choice as far as ancient history.

The most influential person like him or not in modern time was Adolf Hitler.
2015-10-29 19:08:55 UTC
Most famous: Jesus.

Most influential: Alexander Fleming (invented antibiotics).
2015-10-29 13:32:00 UTC
Adolf Hitler has done more to and resulting in much for humanity than any single human being in 2000 years of known history.
2015-10-29 10:28:47 UTC
All of the religious figures followed today, ie Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Abraham, Moses.
2015-11-02 11:20:44 UTC
Prophet Muhammad pbuh
That People
2015-10-30 11:45:26 UTC
If people really do their research and ask historian and read a good books.. prophet Muhammad is the best figure known to mankind. Nowadays people made him look bad as so many negative agenda and propaganda and some people dont understand and really read the old history from the truth and the best expert.
2015-10-29 08:41:23 UTC
1) Buddha; 2) Pontius Pilot; 3) Jesus; 4) Mohammed
2015-10-29 13:07:49 UTC
2015-10-28 20:44:07 UTC
Leonardo da Vinci
Guru Hank
2015-10-31 17:48:17 UTC
2015-10-28 16:49:43 UTC
Well, nearly everybody seems to recognize Jesus; unless youve been living in a cave for the past 10000 years its unlikely you havent heard of him
2015-10-28 16:57:55 UTC
2015-10-29 00:00:59 UTC
Prophet Abraham,Moses,Jesus and Muhammad (Peace be upon him) are most influenced person in the world other influenced impact is little as compared to these.
2015-11-02 23:09:11 UTC
2015-11-02 00:27:18 UTC
The person who first invented Sewerage systems, mankind would never have survived and been able to live in anything more than a village without it ???????
Hin Long
2015-10-31 19:52:11 UTC
Jesus, Arthur Schopenhauer, Buddha, 48 laws of power
2015-10-29 00:57:36 UTC
Would say Jesus, but not every country knows about him. I think maybe Ronald McDonald. Seriously, they say more people recognize the golden arches than the cross. Maybe The Beatles.
2015-10-29 12:16:53 UTC
Bart Simpson.
2015-10-30 15:23:16 UTC
Kim Kardashian and Betty White
2015-10-30 09:00:18 UTC
Benjamin Franklin!
Mir Quasem
2015-10-29 20:45:18 UTC


Jesus Christ

Abraham Lincoln.
2015-10-30 14:34:36 UTC
Jesus. He started an institution, the Christian churches, that continue to exist and have spread to most parts of the world. No one else come close to that accomplishment.
2015-10-31 08:43:15 UTC
It must be somebody from ancient times who's had almost undying influence since. So its go to be Jesus Christ (if he really existed?)
2015-10-30 07:05:35 UTC
Jesus Christ. Wars were fought in His name... miracles have been attributed to prayers we say His name, and the fact that we differentiate ourselves as either non-Christian or Christian. And every country in the world knows about him...or at least heard about Him. Believer or non-believer everywhere we turn, there is always a representation of Him whether it be art or science.
2015-10-29 01:28:06 UTC
2015-10-29 11:15:12 UTC
Probably Jesus or Mohammad. Maybe, Albert Einstein or Bill Gates.
2015-10-29 08:51:10 UTC
2015-10-29 15:38:45 UTC
I would have to say Shakespeare. There are numerous reasons why he is incredibly influential. I found a site to explain some reasons why.....
2015-10-30 09:47:24 UTC
Nigel Thornberry
The Inquisitor
2015-10-29 07:52:58 UTC
Gina Davis.
2015-10-29 03:26:29 UTC
Jesus - His very Name has the power to make demons flee. He is matchless in every way. No one else can compare or come close to Him. He rules and reigns for all eternity. Hallelujah!
2015-10-30 10:15:13 UTC
It's a matter of opinion. I have always liked Gandhi...but other people might say Mussolini or Napoleon!
2015-10-29 14:32:19 UTC
Miss November

2015-10-28 20:29:34 UTC
I would say Hitler. And I don't mean I like Hitler, I just think he has had more influence on modern society than anyone else.
2015-10-28 12:59:30 UTC
Jesus by a landslide. Our calendar is derived from Christ. (B.C. and A.D.) Christianity is also the most popular religion worldwide. Believer or not, nobody can deny the impact Jesus Christ has left humanity.
2015-10-31 20:48:27 UTC
George Washington as far as politics go
2015-10-31 03:33:34 UTC
Sunday Crone
2015-10-31 18:53:59 UTC
2015-10-29 18:19:14 UTC
Jesus Christ did more to change the world than anyone in history. And he continues to change people today when they repent of their sins and ask him to come into their heart they will be saved.
2015-10-29 03:51:47 UTC
That would be Jesus, whom the world is waiting to return and with whom we embrace every aspect of life both good and bad, and with whom our worth is measured by the content of our hearts, and who brings us peace and the message of everlasting life.
2015-10-29 09:53:37 UTC
Moses , the man responsible for the creation of three major religions. (Some would say that was Abraham)
2015-10-30 00:00:05 UTC
I would say Jesus, everyone knows him including non religious people and people of different faiths. His views have changed and inspired a lot of people.
2015-10-30 04:06:48 UTC
Albert Tatlock
2015-10-29 11:45:00 UTC
Someone like martin luther king or emmeline pankhurst as they battled for equality
2015-10-30 06:40:19 UTC
Henrik Larsson
2015-10-29 20:34:28 UTC
Eve. The mother of us all. Through her we are all related. All our roots go back to Africa. Her legacy is carried forward in each of us, and that is our best reason to strive for peace.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-10-30 08:30:16 UTC
It's a toss-up; Johnny Appleseed , or Sara Palin !
2015-10-31 09:42:19 UTC
Any significant religious figure (Jesus, Muhammad, etc.) or William Shakespeare
2015-10-29 00:36:10 UTC
Aristotle by a land slide
2015-10-28 15:22:23 UTC
L. Ron Hubbard.
2015-10-31 20:09:55 UTC
The original druids before the anglosaxons killed them, took over their ways if life, and corrupted the name druid.
Black Dog
2015-11-02 18:52:11 UTC
There are a few of these....Jesus, Mohamed .....and Adolf Hitler all had indelible effects on mankind.
2015-10-28 15:47:47 UTC
Jesus, BUT ONLY IF he can be proven to have actually existed and not just be some idea. He never wrote anything, himself.
2015-10-29 12:05:15 UTC
I think it would be a religious figure like Jesus Christ or Muhammad.
2015-10-29 23:41:26 UTC
Muhammad P.B.U.H is most famous & influential historical figure up till now.

His teachings have mark on each of us even today. one may be antagonistic but one can t deny his influence.
2015-10-31 00:22:34 UTC
Surely it has got to be Jesus Christ the Son of God!
2015-10-28 12:57:51 UTC
1. Jesus

2. Muhammad
2015-10-29 07:57:04 UTC
Hitler, because everybody knows who he was and most people try to avoid having anything to do with him.
2015-10-30 00:03:22 UTC
Has to be Adam. Without him, Moses, Jesus or Muhammad would not have come.
2015-10-30 21:55:24 UTC
Mlk and all the other civil right movement activist
2015-10-29 04:51:38 UTC
Dora the explorer!
2015-10-28 21:41:44 UTC
The LORD of Hosts.
Nicholas C
2015-10-29 21:45:58 UTC
I think the most famous and influential figure would be D.





2015-11-02 10:13:15 UTC
Jesus Christ. Even our system of measuring years is based on his birth date.
2015-10-31 18:01:11 UTC
Jesus Christ is. He is the ulimate example of a role model.
2015-10-29 17:34:31 UTC
John F Kennedy
2015-10-28 12:57:28 UTC
tommie verceti from gta vice city
2015-10-28 22:01:35 UTC
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ,
2015-10-28 16:48:21 UTC
New here
2015-10-31 12:32:20 UTC
Jusus Christ. Lunatic, lier, or Lord.
2015-10-30 12:55:34 UTC
Plato, because he essentially created how we think today. Followed by Jesus.
2015-10-30 20:18:59 UTC
Answer is objectively Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Any other answer is laughable.
Jake No Chat
2015-10-30 04:28:17 UTC
Einstein. Most people know him, and everyone has been affected by his work.
2015-10-30 00:45:12 UTC
I think Adolf Hitler as he the most known as****e
2015-10-29 17:54:29 UTC
Adolf Hitler
2015-11-01 07:50:49 UTC
For me it would be Helen Keller. I am deaf. To me she showed everyone that deaf/ blind people can do things.
2015-10-29 16:21:41 UTC
Christopher F
2015-11-01 07:53:52 UTC
Abraham, "Nearly kill your bratty son just one time, and you're marked for millennia! mutter mutter mutter."
2015-10-28 16:03:19 UTC
Jesus of Nazareth
2015-10-30 14:00:26 UTC
adam Smith.
2015-10-30 08:52:03 UTC
first is Jesus, 2nd in line is Martin Luther
2015-10-29 19:38:30 UTC
frank reynolds, rum ham, the guy was complete genius
2015-11-02 15:41:23 UTC
Johnny Huston
2015-10-31 11:50:41 UTC
michael jackson
2015-10-31 10:26:53 UTC
Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan ^_^
2015-10-29 13:22:32 UTC
Kim kardashian since everyone want that booty pisses me off
2015-10-28 20:47:37 UTC
Adolf Hitler.
2015-10-28 16:51:19 UTC
I think moses
2015-10-30 10:33:58 UTC
This a question..? Or you just kiddin?

2015-10-29 13:01:24 UTC
My mom
2015-10-29 06:27:02 UTC
Jesus :3
2015-10-29 12:41:43 UTC
marie curie
2015-11-02 03:06:31 UTC
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
2015-10-30 01:16:55 UTC
nelson mandela
2015-10-28 12:58:13 UTC
hiroshi kyono
2015-10-31 04:20:53 UTC
Gandhi or Hitler
2015-10-31 10:14:35 UTC
2015-10-28 13:03:52 UTC
in my honest opinion that would be JFK
2015-10-28 23:31:59 UTC
Donald Trump


Ben w
2015-10-31 01:55:58 UTC
Jesus Christ. By far.
2015-10-29 06:09:32 UTC
adolf Hitler and stalin
2015-10-30 10:41:49 UTC
2015-10-31 12:26:44 UTC
probably hitler because we keep on talking about him.
2015-10-28 17:45:00 UTC
Jesus for sure.
2015-10-31 12:01:41 UTC
jesus no doubt about it
2015-10-30 18:47:06 UTC
Gerry G
2015-10-30 06:04:24 UTC
Jesus Christ
2015-10-30 04:00:29 UTC
Jesus Christ
2015-10-29 17:13:32 UTC
Jesus Christ
Maria b
2015-10-29 10:29:22 UTC
Jesus Christ
2015-10-30 00:35:46 UTC
2015-10-31 00:10:36 UTC
Jesus Christ.
2015-10-29 13:34:35 UTC
2015-10-31 12:55:34 UTC
2015-11-01 13:10:23 UTC
I guess God?
2015-10-31 12:08:11 UTC
2015-10-31 09:33:19 UTC
2015-10-31 09:13:50 UTC
2015-10-28 13:52:25 UTC
2015-10-28 17:25:13 UTC
wayne g
2015-11-01 06:13:06 UTC
2015-10-30 06:57:07 UTC
2015-10-30 00:42:40 UTC
2015-10-29 14:32:00 UTC
2015-10-28 13:03:52 UTC
2015-10-29 05:20:35 UTC
2015-10-29 00:28:35 UTC
2015-10-30 01:45:26 UTC
2015-10-28 19:23:45 UTC
2015-10-30 19:49:47 UTC
2015-10-29 12:06:34 UTC
2015-10-29 18:56:39 UTC
2015-10-29 09:39:41 UTC
2015-11-03 06:00:42 UTC
Jesus ++
2015-10-31 08:26:26 UTC
2015-11-01 17:05:17 UTC
2015-10-30 18:18:03 UTC
2015-10-31 15:51:54 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.