The saddest truth about life is that we are all worth nothing except a lifeless soul gradually turning into more and more of a zombie every day of our lives on earth as we mature more and more as children of the devil. The longer we procrastinate salvation and stay children of the devil, the deader our soul becomes; and the deader you become, the more terrifying your body becomes to be looked at by somebody. Trust me; I've been in the tomb home in the Garden of Eden in Lucas, Kansas and saw a decayed dead body and it looked terrifying. That is how your soul becomes the longer you stay a sinner. The longer you stay a sinner, the uglier your dead soul becomes and the more hateful you become down deep on the inside and you just don't realize it. And if you totally turn your back on God with a solemnly confirmed decision in your heart to never ever change your mind for as long as you live in neither life nor death, then your soul actually ceases to exist i suppose because the unpardonable sin of totally turning your back on God forever is called the "sin unto death" and that sin is not capable of being forgiven the Bible says. The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit means totally turning your back on God forever and ever. A good example of it was when the Pharisees took Jesus's miracle of driving demons out of a demon-possessed man, and they gave credit to the devil for it. ............ what I'm trying to say it, the longer you stay dead spiritually and refuse to accept Christ, the more your soul decays. Your spirit is eternal; it will never stop living. And the scariest part of it is, after your physical body ceases to exist, your spirit is sent to the place where it belongs for rejecting Christ......... that place is hell because the demons and Lucifer rejected God; and when you turn your back on God, you're a dead man spiritually. Death belongs in hell. Hell is the home of the dead...k? And when you go to hell, you experience nothing but the life of the dead; suffering, torment, crying but not shedding any tears (your physical body is dead so there is no water in your spiritual body so you cannot shed tears; you just have to cry without the tears to soothe the soul), fire getting hotter and hotter every last literal moment for you in hell, demons chewing on your body like a dog sick with rabies chewing on another animal or human being (trust me, i watched a video on youtube (actually YESTERDAY) about the horror of hell).... in addition to all this, there's total darkness so dark that you can actually feel the darkness (i don't know what darkness feels like, i guess nighttime isn't really that dark after all even though it seems pitch black (HELL is what's pitch black. HELL is actual darkness) ); and one of the worst things about hell is there is no water to drink in hell. You would be DYING for even ONE DROP of water in hell. ......... AND........ to make it even WORSE!!!!....... you get no rest. You're probably forced to work in hell when really you're so tired that you're just DYING for sleep. You're screaming in the flames, tortured by the demons. You're so tired in hell that it takes all the "energy" you have just to make the slightest move; and the horrific thing about it is, you're not allowed to sleep, and you never will sleep, ever. I've been awake for like 37 hours at once before and I felt very tired afterwards, didn't like it too well, felt depressed and cranky. You can only IMAGINE how depressed and cranky you will become in hell and you just become crankier and crankier down there; and it continues to grow and grow for all eternity; like, Yeah!!! just don't STOP getting crankier! And your torment in the flames makes you scream and scream; you are a stranger in hell, no identity, no name; you are lonely; cannot even communicate with your fellow tormented spirits who rejected God because you are registered just like the rest of them as sinners who did not repent, therefore suffer the same loneliness as them. You make God lonely; He will eventually make you lonely if you do not repent because He created you, and even though your human race chose to put themselves first by committing a simple no-no by eating fruit from the tree of knowledge, He sent Jesus to die on the cross for you. But in this story, since you did not accept Him while you were alive, you're suffering the eternal consequences. You disobey God, you're sentenced to death. And death is no life. And there is no life in hell for the humans. It's nothing but the terror and horror of what it's like to be actually dead. You've seen horror movies about people dying and becoming zombies and all that stuff? Real zombies are tormented spirits in hell who refused to accept what they needed to have life; and that is Christ! ........... AND................. the WORST THING YET!!!!!! about hell is......... God Himself is absent in hell. Hell is the place of God's wrath for sinners who rejected Him after He had the pity and compassion to die Himself so that you may have eternal life but yet you rejected Him. And wherever God is, so is the good. But if God is absent, so is the good absent. So that makes it nothing but bad. Because God is good. God is the only One who IS good. He alone is holy. So that is why hell is so horrid. Because God is not there. It's the place of punishment for sin. .......... And hell is not even the worst part. There is coming a day 1,007 years later + the time before the church is taken home to heaven......... where hell is cast into the Lake of Fire. And the Lake of Fire is SO BAD!!! That it is even bad enough to torment the devil himself like the humans are tormented in hell. SO............ the saddest truth about life is............ we are all sinners in need of a Savior to give us life. After you accept Christ for the purpose of falling in love with Him and wanting Him in your life forever, the storm of death is actually over, and you live from then on. Physical death for those who have accepted Christ just simply means God taking you home to be with Him, and eventually, you'll get your physical body back when the end of the church age arrives and the dead bodies come back to life and are made perfect and flawless and holy and are taken into heaven, and after that those who are alive on the earth. So yet again, the saddest truth about life is........ We are all sinners in need of a Savior to give us life because without Him, WE, not our bodies, US!!!....... will eventually suffer true misery forever and ever for what we did. ........
imagine how Hitler must be suffering in hell Lol