Honestly, I really think it varies. There are some girls who are convinced, or coerced by others, that adoption is the best thing and they go along, never wanting to. I don't think they can ever totally heal.
Others really feel that they are not in a place in their lives where they can provide all that a baby, toddler and child needs. They understand it will be hard, but do it out of love for their baby.
I also really feel that open adoptions make a HUGE difference, as does total openness and honesty. I have two adopted boys, my eldest is six and he is very proud of being adopted. He understands why his natural Mom made the choice she did. We had an open adoption, however, she chose not to remain in contact. However, she knows that the option is there for her, when we moved I emailed her our new info.
The natural Mom of my youngest son and I are very close. Her and I email often, she calls when she wants to, asks for pictures and includes both my boys in her life, not only her natural son. She is wonderful, I can't say enough good things about her. She is planning to come visit within the next month or so.
I personally believe that a lot of the pain that came from adoption was not only from the adoption itself, but from the secrets. To not be honest with someone about their own life should be a sin. To find out later, accidently that you were adopted, is essentially finding out that your life has been a lie. Or to know you are adopted but that nobody wants to discuss it makes it akin to a dirty little secret. How do you trust again after that? Even yourself?
So, to make a long answer longer.... I believe that it is a very hard thing to do, but it can be made a lot easier if done with respect, openness, honesty and integrity on both sides.
I hope this was helpful. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me at jen1204ca@yahoo.ca