So, what does urban dictionary have to say about the place you live?
2009-06-28 12:10:41 UTC

We did get voted worst place in England for 2005.

Survey: Is the place you live really that bad to you?

For me it is, I have been living here way too long. There are good places in Hull, it depends where you go, I guess. I don't like it here, though.
40 answers:
2009-06-28 12:30:52 UTC
To do something terrible in an entirely inappropriate situation.

it is horrendously boring here

also you live near me, congrats.
2009-06-28 12:33:19 UTC
New Jersey:

1. NJ is summed up in this quote.

"I am from NJ. I curse... a lot. I say "yo", and I say it often. I never had school on Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur. I sure as hell don't pump my own gas. I know what real pizza tastes like, and I know that a bagel is much more than a fuckin' roll with a hole in the middle. I judge people by what exit they get off the parkway. I can navigate a circle--with attitude. All good nights must end at a diner--preferably with cheese fries. It's a sub, not a hoagie or, worse yet, a hero, and I wash it down with soda, not pop. Two words... "mother fucker." I don't go to the beach, I go down the shore. And boardwalk brawls are just a part of the atmosphere. Yes, I drink cawfee. I know that 65mph really means 80. I've always lived within 10 minutes of a mall. When someone cuts me off, they get the horn AND the finger. And they expect it. I am from New Jersey, and damn proud of it."

3. The sickest state that I have ever been in. Hot girls, hot cars, hot beaches! What more can you ask for?

New Jersey is KILLER.

4. east coast state, discriminated against by those who have been only as far as the outskirts of new york city. while new jersey has its fair share of cities, grime, and crime, a large portion consists of expansive suburbs, beautiful land, and farms.
Mr Winky
2009-06-28 12:22:43 UTC
The place no one knows of and no one cares about. A small town in North Carolina located right in the middle of everything. 5 minutes from Winston-Salem and 10 minutes from Greensboro. A place where you can find the incredibly rich and the incredibly poor all in the same place and only 2 minutes away from each other. Where local high school students have nothing better to do than go to Dennys then to Walmart at 3 A.M. The only place with a **** hole 3 Dollar Cinema that shows anything but good movies. The only place where the cops do stop in old parking lots or go behind old buildings to share a dozen dounuts or smoke the weed they confiscated from the 6th grade girl whos carring her baby down the side walk to closest chink mart. The only place where the two rival high schools compete in everything from sports to who has the most STDs, the most gays and lesbians, and right down to who has the most teachers in prision for sleeping with students. A place that is quickly becoming the largest cluster **** in the nation.

Kernersville, North Carolina
2009-06-28 12:20:19 UTC
The town I'm in now seems to have mixed opinions (Iowa City, Iowa, US) -

It's really not that exciting. I'm only there for university and as far as college towns in the US go, I guess it's not horrible, but I'm not staying here after I graduate. Way too small of a town for me since the population is only like 60,000 or so (which differs from what urban dictionary says, but the person on there might have included suburbs).

The most accurate assessment is in the fifth entry - "Snobby artsy emo types, spoiled Chicagoans and douchey jocks with beer bellies welcome." Very true.

At least my hometown (Des Moines, IA) is a little better, but not much as evidenced by urbandictionary - It's trashier, but there's more to do at least. Still boring overall though. Although this person got the side of town I'm from right - "East Side: Lower class to government subsidized housing, many drug users and meth labs, "East Siders" tend to try to act tough, mostly because they didn't have parents to raise them correctly. Most tend to perform poorly in high school and end up not going to college where they cycle continues over again, drive up liquor stores are common as well as tobacco outlets"

It doesn't fit me obviously since I'm in college, but a good portion of my high school class fits this description.
Christina is SOREAL [gone]
2009-06-28 12:20:49 UTC
Houston: First word heard from the moon. The nation's fourth largest city and home to the Texas Medical Center (the world's largest) and NASA's Johnson Space Center.

Few cities in the world can match H-Town as a source for blues and rap talent. Home of ZZ Top and Beyoncé.

One of the best places to live, work, play, eat, play music, hear music, do art, see art, get sick, get well, work out, hang out, and make a decent living doing whatever your heart says you were put on earth to do.

ex) The U.S. economy can be up or down but there's always money to be made in Houston.
2009-06-28 12:22:57 UTC
Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. The population of the city is 820,000. Ottawa is a city that has seen massive growth in every sector in the last 15 years. It is a clean, beautiful city and attracts tourists all year around. Home to many museums, the Peace Tower and Parliament Hill, the finest restaurants and plenty of trendy bars, clubs and eateries in the Byward Market.

Also, the home to two casinos, the best gentlemen's clubs where you can put your hands all over the merchandise, an NHL franchise in the Ottawa Senators and a significant population of French-Canadians and Somalians. Low violent crime rate and easy to get around.
2009-06-28 12:24:33 UTC
A small island off the coast of Europe. It is a peaceful place with beautiful beaches and views. the people of malta are religious but still maintain there social lives adequetly. as a result the teens have crazy nightclubs dominated by outrageously good techno beats. The most beatiful place in the world.
Govt. Tracking-Cookie Slayer
2009-06-28 12:15:50 UTC
Orange Park 28 up, 9 down

A town outside of Jacksonville, FL. Orange Park was founded as the premier orange growing city in Florida, but as winter provided minor freezes, founders realized they had to take orange growing farther into south Florida.

Orange Park is a normal suburban town with a mall, movies, stores, high schools, and nieghborhoods.

"I didn't feel like getting shot for walking around outside, so I moved from Jacksonville to Orange Park."

Cool :}
2009-06-28 18:14:42 UTC
Quebec 233 up, 90 down love it hate it

1) a beautiful province

2) a home to a population widely consisting of people of french descendance.

3) Just because we are proud of our french heritage, does not mean we are snobby assholes. honest, we'll give you beer and poutine.

4) we have language laws, which say that each sign must at least CONTAIN french, but we don't say they have to BE french.

5) bordered by the canadian provinces Ontario and Nawfoundland & Labrador and New Brunswick, and The American States of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire and New England.

1)ASTI! The forests are beautiful in Quebec.

2)Quebec, was originally called Nouvelle France, and contained Seigneurs and Habitants, thus the former name of the montreal canadians the "habitants" and their current nickname the "habs"

3)Poutine was invented in Quebec, and if you tell everyone beer was too, we'll give you a free one.

4) L'AUTRE PORTE S.V.P - please use the other door.

5) Quebequer: "Caliss! i will drive to Minnesota!!"

Other Quebequer: "Why? your no legal drinking age there!"

Quebequer: "TABARNAK!!"
2009-06-28 13:16:22 UTC

gods own county, second biggest county in ireland and the furtest north. its windswept barren and can be cold but its beauty has to be seen to believed. priciple town is letterkenny. the shops and some of the accomadation is piss poor, but the bars the craic is 90 best guinness in the world and brilliant bar staff. the roads can be deadly though; from belfast you can be in donegal within an hour and a half just head up the M2 and your there.

Where men are men, and sheep are slightly nervous...
2009-06-28 12:30:42 UTC
A city in Northern England near Scotland full of inbred retarded Northerners.

A city subsidized by British tax distributed in the form of benefits for the jobless retarded inbred locals who make up 100% of the towns population.

A hell hole in the North of England.

The inbreeding centre for Northern humans and garden vegetables. (This process is organic, at no point are the locals forced to have sex with vegetables.)

2009-06-29 00:24:49 UTC

The largest city in the South Island of New Zealand, once used rather frequently by housewives and grandmothers as a mild expletive being roughly equivalent to gosh or darn.

While definitely not averse to using such words as **** and ****, modern New Zealanders take great delight in reliving the stultifying drudgery of the 1950s and will often be heard to utter (at least ironically) the phrase "Oh, Christchurch!", especially when tripping up, falling over, climaxing, etc.

Sarah: I enjoy wanking you.

Mike: Oh, Christchurch! You've snapped my banjostring!

lol wtf.
Raging Tranny
2009-06-28 12:18:27 UTC
Mine says we have the lowest crime rates in the UK and we're ugly.
2009-06-28 12:23:01 UTC
lol , I think it's a nice place

The Urban Dictionary says...

"Home to addicts, car thieves, jocks and townies: Basically a town in south wales, home to the famed 'Brown Towers': flats full of junkies"
2009-06-28 12:23:17 UTC

a city with a mayor who publicallyt cusses people out.

(its true, lol)

One of America's classic Rust Belt cities, located in Eastern Michigan and north of Detroit. It has lost more jobs and more people than most other cities except for nearby Detroit. It was once home to Buick and called "Buick City," but those were the days. The city of Flint now has just one auto plant left. The loss of jobs and people has made Flint one of the most dangerous cities in the country, except for Detroit again.

wow! i am proud!
2009-06-28 15:15:17 UTC
Luana, Garden City, Kansas

A pretty girl who often is judged for being a show-off, attention seeker but in truth just wants to be different from other girls and doesn't like people judging her from her face.

*****: Luana is such a *****! I hate her.

Luana's friend: That's not true. You dont even know her.
Melinda ツ
2009-06-28 15:07:40 UTC
Pennsylvania- Better than your state. Sure, the roads suck, but not as bad as parts of Kentucky. Sure, the people can be dumb, but not as dumb as in Alabama. Sure, the weather sucks, but not as badly as it does in Alaska. Yeah, okay, it's a little rural, and you have to buy your liquor in state stores, and there's no beaches, but at least we're not West Virginia. Or Iowa

Thats what it said (: ahah
2009-06-28 12:30:43 UTC
Great question dude...mine is Cocoa Beach, Fl. (USA), it says one of teh best known beaches in the state...I's basically a very small town though, but it's home...drop by some time, I'll throw in one free surf lesson...late
2009-06-28 12:24:36 UTC
Dallas 187 up, 149 down

"That city full of wonders, including a building that looks like an electric dandelion, Ross Perot, and "city hall."

A good place to go if you like schizophrenic hobos, cheap transit and good times in hot temperatures."

2009-06-28 12:21:28 UTC

Apparently the bus station is terrorised by Leeds Town Crew =S That's news to me though!

And have a look at this -
2009-06-28 12:16:14 UTC

A large-ish town in Somerset, England.

A population of around 40,000 people

Full with much cultral background and good shopping

Many schools, inc many well know private schools

i.e. Taunton school, Kings, Queens etc.

all in central Taunton.

"wanna go to town this weekend"

"Yeah sure, Taunton right?"

"Yeas, meet you in starbucks"
Percy Pigsss <3
2009-06-28 12:17:45 UTC

rich white town in mass dominated by:

-soccer mom's stopping in the middle of traffic to give you information about your own family

-cops who have nothing better to do than find the best places to hide with their radar guns

-the boy's hockey team and football team

-teenagers who buy shitty overpriced pot using their parents money

-golden retrievers

lol ;) x
2009-06-28 12:19:59 UTC
1. State...***

2. Hell of a lot better than Wisconsin, but then again Wisconsin is better than Mighigan (Detroit is a Minneapolis wannabe)

3. California shopping my ***, we have the biggest mall in the country...suck it

4. Nice people

5. Better weather

6. Best schools (No really, best rated)
2009-06-28 12:22:00 UTC
houma, louisiana

1. a place where there are way to many stores for the common man to spend money in... therefore most people who live in one of these are usually middle class or below << not true anymore

2. a place where all there is to do is shop, eat, sleep, go to a movie, bowl, or putt putt golf. << not true anymore, well to me, it's true

3. a place that is over-populated and too small << true

4. a place with WAY to many Walgreens. << true

5. a place with too many banks and not enough people to put money in them. << true

LMAO! That is so true....

After reading this, this must have been put before Katrina
2009-06-28 12:15:18 UTC
Ohio: the most american place in america. its typical mid-america. full of really typical cities, a bunch of colleges, malls and even more typical suburbs. its kinda part of the midwest, but not really. ohio is bitter enemies with michigan, probably because michigan hicks have really awesome accents.

lol @ the Michigan part

I love Ohio!
Angela M
2009-06-28 12:34:40 UTC
Cheers for that link, I'm glad that they haven't yet posted that we were voted "The Carbunkle of The North".. oh, this is my home town...
Radium Radiator (Backup)
2009-06-28 13:12:47 UTC
Here's the article for my nearest town, and it's not positive either:

I hate Eastleigh too.
2009-06-28 12:19:04 UTC
Best City in England (Y)

Jackie Jinxedx
2009-06-28 12:24:29 UTC

In westerly, RI, the people have italian names such as cashatori, tortilli, fetichini, ferraro, and cogniti

Bruce P
2009-06-28 13:41:53 UTC
Not much on my town

Also I live in the nice area of town and am not a chav lol!
2009-06-28 12:16:05 UTC
My damn computer blocks Urban Dictionary, because it's "Adult content"

What the hell?

But I remember searching it awhile ago, and it said something about us being a bunch of snobby rich kids smoking pot. haha
2009-06-28 12:22:10 UTC
It's the "Feeder Pig" capital of the world...yee haw!
2009-06-28 12:14:44 UTC
Just looked it up there and when I put in my postcode it said, "located in the attractive west end of the city".
2009-06-28 12:19:02 UTC
lmao, "a shithole in the state of illinois that is just a minuscule above carpentersville.......also known as plywood city"

WTF? i dont like this website
2009-06-28 12:16:14 UTC
haha. i've searched it and it really makes fun of it. it's funny and it says you'll like.. get shot walking down the street in the village i live in..

couldn't agree more. haha.
2009-06-28 12:22:22 UTC

- ιитєиsє - ℓσνє ѕιcк cяιмιиαℓ.
2009-06-28 12:22:10 UTC
...... is known for a big *** train wreck, an MP who can't keep her mouth shut, and having lopsided mayoral elections

2009-06-28 12:22:15 UTC

yeah pretty much everything it says is true xD
2009-06-28 12:20:20 UTC
I wouldn't even look - it won't be good.
2009-06-28 12:14:57 UTC
i thought my place was the worst... are you my neighbour? ;)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.