Quebec 233 up, 90 down love it hate it
1) a beautiful province
2) a home to a population widely consisting of people of french descendance.
3) Just because we are proud of our french heritage, does not mean we are snobby assholes. honest, we'll give you beer and poutine.
4) we have language laws, which say that each sign must at least CONTAIN french, but we don't say they have to BE french.
5) bordered by the canadian provinces Ontario and Nawfoundland & Labrador and New Brunswick, and The American States of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire and New England.
1)ASTI! The forests are beautiful in Quebec.
2)Quebec, was originally called Nouvelle France, and contained Seigneurs and Habitants, thus the former name of the montreal canadians the "habitants" and their current nickname the "habs"
3)Poutine was invented in Quebec, and if you tell everyone beer was too, we'll give you a free one.
4) L'AUTRE PORTE S.V.P - please use the other door.
5) Quebequer: "Caliss! i will drive to Minnesota!!"
Other Quebequer: "Why? your no legal drinking age there!"
Quebequer: "TABARNAK!!"