I have had bad experiences at many restaurants, but it's usually a one time thing. The one place where I have eaten three times, and where it was always bad is Joe's Crab Shack. My husband and I call it Joe's Crap Shack.
I didn't mind the dancing wait staff. I didn't mind the peanuts on the concrete floor. All of that stuff just adds a goofy kind of atmosphere.
What I did mind was that the food had no flavor at all. Shrimp is pretty hard to screw up--at the minimum, you can put it in a sauce or add some garlic. But no, it was just cooked and in the shell and tasted like nothing--and did I mention it was cold nothing? It was billed as "steaming hot," but if that was "steaming hot" then I am Peter Pan. The red potatoes weren't just cold (you could put butter on them, and it wouldn't melt), they were undercooked so much they were almost crunchy. And the "super" crab legs were the kind which are all outside and no meat inside.
It was just garbage, and then, to add insult to injury, it was tremendously overpriced garbage. We swore we'd never go back, but I have been again because I was with people who wanted to go. I was hoping our first bad experience was a one-off, but it wasn't. The only decent thing I ever had there was a Coke, but that was after I had to send the first two back because they were flat.
Ick--stay away!