☮Witty Sarcasm♥
2007-10-11 13:52:37 UTC
a very small bug with large pinchers in the front
all webcam pictures are green
antimicrobial socks
chicken nugget in granny's purse
creepy eyes
do you get creeped out by pictures of people that look directly at you?
electroshock therapy
fried ham fat
how many days can you go without sleep before hallucinating?
how to tell if there's a bug in your ear
organs you can live without
powdery stuff on moths wings
spider that rips off male's head after she mates with it
supernumerary nipple
what kind of monkey is Pepe Lucho?
why birds can't eat chocolate
you will call me Mr. Sir
Do any of you have any search results more random than that? lol