I'm black myself, and quite a few of my relatives are married to white, men/women, and I think it is nice that people are able to mix when it comes to relationships. They do get disapproving looks and comments from people when they go out, I've seen it, but they have learnt to ignore them because they love each other immensly and don't care what people think.
My family is ok with Inter-racial dating, but I do know of some black,white...well pretty much any other families from different races who still think that it is unacceptable to date someone from a different race to their own...but I look at it this way, the world is becoming a larger place, when i say that i mean there are more people on it than there ever was, and times are changing, so it is inevitable that people are going to start mixing at somepoint, and this is going to lead to mixed race people...besides, nowadays, who can actually say you are one race? Yes you may look black or white etc, but if you go way back in to your family tree etc, you can see that you are "mixed"...hope that makes sense!!!
Cut a long story short, I think that Bi-racial couples are ok, as long as you love each other that is all that matters! Hope you two have a wonderful life together :)