whats your opinion on biracial couples? im white and my other half is black.?
jessica h
2009-08-24 07:57:57 UTC
since we have started dating we have gotten some of the most vile comments about our race from our own families, my step mother started on about me having black babies and how at least we will get good government benifits, my mum freaked out when she seen him for the first time saying "his black!" and just generally people arent taking to it well, so whats your opinion on bi racial couples? personally i dont care what other people think, i like him for who he is not the color of his skin, his the sweetest man in the world and clearly the bigger person because he does not feel the need to judge them like they do to him.
43 answers:
2009-08-24 08:02:27 UTC
Let me guess, you live in the United States.

Absolutely nothing wrong with biracial couples. Be with whoever you love and loves you back.
2009-08-24 08:10:46 UTC
I personally don't see anything wrong with biracial couples, I am an african american female with a large family (3 brothers, 4 sisters, 14 first cousins) and out of my whole family with the exception of my parents only one person is dating another african american but still everyone looks at us sideways... please prepare yourself for racial slurs just because you guys are different and the world struggles with biracial couples so when you go any where you will get looked at like you did something wrong and sad but true your mom and step-mom are both racist so when and if you guys have kids your family and his will look at the baby sideways but as long as you guys tune them out then you're relationship will do fine. Be sure to teach your kids, biracial or not, that the only difference between someone that Black, White, Brown, Puerto Rican, or Hatian is how dark God made them the only difference is where their family used to live before they lived where they do now the only difference is their personality that differs inside and outside of a race, teach your kids to be color blind. Don't let other people's thoughts and views of your relationship break you guys up!
Dizzy Kizzy
2009-08-24 08:17:23 UTC
I'm black myself, and quite a few of my relatives are married to white, men/women, and I think it is nice that people are able to mix when it comes to relationships. They do get disapproving looks and comments from people when they go out, I've seen it, but they have learnt to ignore them because they love each other immensly and don't care what people think.

My family is ok with Inter-racial dating, but I do know of some black,white...well pretty much any other families from different races who still think that it is unacceptable to date someone from a different race to their own...but I look at it this way, the world is becoming a larger place, when i say that i mean there are more people on it than there ever was, and times are changing, so it is inevitable that people are going to start mixing at somepoint, and this is going to lead to mixed race people...besides, nowadays, who can actually say you are one race? Yes you may look black or white etc, but if you go way back in to your family tree etc, you can see that you are "mixed"...hope that makes sense!!!

Cut a long story short, I think that Bi-racial couples are ok, as long as you love each other that is all that matters! Hope you two have a wonderful life together :)
2009-08-24 08:04:54 UTC
I feel it is perfectly fine. My parents prefer not as well although, I haven't yet brought one home so I don't know exactly how they would react. It completely has to do with how you feel. What the hell difference does it make for skin color? A person is a person and that's that. There is NOTHING more to it than that. As long as you're up to putting up with the comments and looks from some people, then carry on. The world will never be 100% okay with those issues, but all that matters is that you're happy!!!!
Maria M
2009-08-24 08:11:20 UTC
Color is just a color. It seems like the older generation has a problem with this but society today is more accepting. I dated a few black guys myself when I was younger and my mom gave me the same speech about the black babies and the mixing of blood which I found shocking because my brother and I always had black friends and we always brought them home and my parents never said anything about them until I started dating one. Till this day I still don't understand it. I say don't worry about what the families say as long as you are both happy.
2009-08-24 08:10:12 UTC
Me and my man have been together for 4 years (5 years next month) and we just got married last May. My husband is half Mexican and half Native American and I'm White. We live in a town full of other white people and we do get a lot of dirty looks but just blow it off. If you like the guy then stay with him. He seems to be nice and very smart. And it's really hard to come by a good guy these days so if he is a good one hold on to him, lol. As for me and my husband, we're trying for a baby. Good luck!
2009-08-24 08:05:14 UTC
i have ALWAYS been attracted to black first bf was black and at first when i was in high school i did hear some stuff from other people but mostly he heard stuff from black girls saying why are you with her? You could be with me. But now that im older i dont really hear anything, i get looks sometimes when i am with my man but they are just jealous that they cant have a fine black man that is successful and drives a benz. Black woman i hate to say have too much strength and attitude...dont get me wrong a lot of my close gf's are black girls but i told kevin that there was no way he could be with a black woman because she would beat the crap out of him and she wouldnt put up with half the bs i take from him!!! I know its a lot but it is something i am super passionate about! I <3 black people!
2009-08-24 08:08:44 UTC
Omg, you poor things :'(

That is so mean, i have absolutely no problem with biracial couples...I believe that love comes in different forms and you should be able to show your love to anyone without experiencing any form of abuse.

I hate racist people, they're disgusting, i mean, since when did the colour of your skin matter?

Your family are clearly old-fashioned and cannot accept that times have moved on, countries have mixed and anyone is welcome anywhere now.

Do not let your family get to you, they are just being unreasonable about the situation, they should be pleased for you!
My thumb is bigger than yours
2009-08-24 08:02:40 UTC
I think there's nothing at all wrong with biracial couples. When you love someone, you love the person they are, and their race shouldn't matter. I'm not sure where you live, but here in Boston it's very common to see biracial couples, so no one even bats an eye at it.
2009-08-24 08:07:32 UTC
I don't agree with inter-racial dating.I think it creates a hardship on the children you conceive. If you don't have children that's great b/c then it just leaves you to deal with decisions that you have made. These children are never accepted by either race until they are older. They are the ones who suffer the most.

Not to mention, we are different- there is no other way to say it. Come back on here in about a year and let us know how it's working out for ya! Inter-racial dating is not accepted by either race- asian, black, white, hispanic.So, it's not being racist it is being a realist.
2016-05-27 04:21:57 UTC
"Entitlement" mentality is the problem. A number of American blacks have an attitude, Reparations to be exact. Not all, but many. I see this at the post office for example. There is a yellow painted curb right at the door, and they feel "entitled" to park there instead of walking from a designated parking spot like everybody else does. The problem is not isolated to just people having to walk around their car to get in, they also park at the drive up mail box, and rain on everybody's parade because they simply can not get to the boxes. The attitude of the American blacks can be seen in the fact that 70% are born into fatherless environments. They are "entitled" to food, shelter, heat, air conditioning, dental and health care, city buses, cell phones, clothing and everything else. Their ancestors were slaves, so now the decedents get a free ride proliferating babies, seeded by different men as they come and go out of prison. Entitlements is a liberal disease, promoted and propagated by the democratic party... An enemy of all good things America stands for, like morals and virtues. Self reliance is a virtue. Homosexual marriage is immoral. The democrats harbor and promote most of the darkness in the nation. LBJ was a democrat, and he looted social security to pay for his failed war on poverty. This is the "entitlement" mentality of the democrats, and LBJ's failed war on poverty simply cemented the blacks into disparity. Human nature is just that... when a plate of food gets slid under their nose... why go out and get it under their own steam. With a 70% no-Dad birth rate... The blacks perpetuate their own disparity, and roll in the democrat's swill of "entitlement" mentality. America was NOT born from "entitlements". "Entitlements" is the attitude you have seen in the American blacks. They are "Entitled" to what others have to work for. Reparations is paying back for the crime of slavery. The payers and the recipients of these reparations are the ancestors of a time long gone in America. Yet the legacy continues. I had one hope in 0bama, that he would lead the black community from the "entitlement" pity party... That was not to be. 0bama is one big pathetic failure. Racism abounds in America. There will be some that may feel my opinion is racist. They will also have the attitude and thinking that 96% of black people voted for 0bama is NOT a racist act. However by definition it is racist to choose a candidate for a job or political office based on their race. Racism abounds in America because of ignorance, there are people who refuse to acknowledge these numbers and the facts, therefore the path of correction is blocked. . .
Kim P
2009-08-24 08:03:13 UTC
A couple that aren't the same race.

It doesn't get any better. I'm white, my husband is African American. We've been married 15 years with 2 beautiful children. My mother in law still hasn't excepted me. Our neighbors are always staring and talking about us.
Chester ™
2009-08-24 08:47:22 UTC
There is nothing wrong with dating outside your race, or your species as in Guido's case. People who have a problem with biracial dating are ignorant retards.
2009-08-24 08:02:38 UTC
There is nothing wrong with it. Although my family would kill me if I married a man outside of my Pakistani culture. If you have a deeper connection than nothing else matters. Plus they do produce exceptionally good looking people. But someone like me to have that deeper connection-Its not race its culture for me. I would need to marry someone within my Pakistani culture, its not racial its completely the need to have someone who understands my culture.
2009-08-24 15:10:43 UTC
oww! that must suck, i don't mind biracial couples, one of my friends is, and it makes me feel strange to hang out with her now

people shouldn't hold secret grudges against each other, it's really sick in this day and age, i don't have an issue with that, and i don't think id even have a problem dating someone out side my own race, because like you said you don't like him for the color of his skin, but for the person he is
2009-08-24 08:04:55 UTC
Sweetie ignore them. Totally. Absolutely ignore everyone. Whenever I go out with someone, I don't care what they look like. if you have fun with him that's all that should matter. Think: would you want to break up with him because he has more pigment in his skin when you may never find another guy like him? If they don't support who you are and who you want to hang out with, they sure shouldn't be around you.
2009-08-24 08:04:52 UTC
It sounds like your family is not very open-minded, so I wonder how open-minded you really are. How did you get so color-blind? If you are sure he is the one for you, go for it. Always expect people to behave well and not be mean, but be prepared for when they don't meet your expectations. Life is short, love is good, best wishes to you both!
2009-08-24 08:02:52 UTC
I totally agree with you i hate when people do that.

people need to stop being racist and spend time and get to know each others race.

There IS Nothing Wrong With That biracial couples!

Stick together stay with him if your parents have a problem tough!
Christine H
2009-08-24 08:02:44 UTC
Ignore them, they have no right to judge. It's wrong for people to think you have to be with someone the same race as you. My mother is Asian and my father is British. As long as your happy with who you're with that's all that matters =)
2009-08-24 08:01:45 UTC
Racism is ignorance and anyone who judges someone else based on their skin colour has severe mental issues.

I base judgement on the persons personality, therefore my opinion is.. if you're happy with that person, then good for you!!!
2009-08-24 08:11:44 UTC
Your last sentence says it all. However, society is complicated. If you like, there are books on interracial relationships. (btw, I am not an advertiser, just found some on the net.) See amazon link, below.
supersnuffy (:
2009-08-24 08:03:02 UTC
I have no problems with it. Have you tried talking to your mother and the people who have been picking fun at it? You should tell them that you love him for who he is, not for his skin tone. Ask her to at least try and get to know him, and if they offend you again tell them that it isn't on. Don't let yourself be bothered by it. If it doesn't bother him, don't dwell on it too much :)
2009-08-24 08:02:56 UTC
Who cares what anyone says or thinks, as long as your are happy. These people are ignorant. It's sad but racism is still alive today.
2009-08-24 08:02:39 UTC
I think it is totally fine to date someone that is a different race.

It doesn't matter what other people think, if you are happy that's all that matters.
2009-08-24 08:01:56 UTC
I see no problem with it, I've dated outside of my race, no real difference other than color.
One Tough Nut
2009-08-24 09:16:17 UTC
Well if two people like, love or whatever with each other then skin colour doesn't matter.
2009-08-24 08:02:13 UTC
i dont think it should matter what color you are. you fall in love with that person because u like them for them not cuz of their skin color. if ur parents cant accept it then its their problem.
2009-08-24 08:00:44 UTC
nothing. we're all human.

only if the reason why they

'mix' is something like they

don't like their own race,

or they give some other really

bad excuse, (which I've heard),

is when I'd have a problem.
2009-08-24 08:13:11 UTC
I think everybody deserves to be happy regardless of skin colour/sex/sexual preference and people who say otherwise are living in the stone ages.

Good luck to you and your fella :)
2009-08-24 08:09:27 UTC
I say, if all you have to judge someone by is their color then it is you who has the problem!

Date who you want! Screw who ever doesnt like it!
2009-08-24 08:02:08 UTC
Well, I'm not racist. I don't care if you're black, white, asian, indian, australian, mexican, italian, etc.

In my views, it's just skin color.

I believe that racial judgement is pure ignorance.
2009-08-24 08:04:10 UTC
I've been with my s/o, who is black for almost 12 years, and have two kids with him...

Answer your question?

*hugs you*

Let it roll off your back. What they eat, doesn't make YOU poop. Let them think and say what they want. Love who you're gonna love.
2009-08-24 08:52:37 UTC
Love sees no color

Magick Kitty
2009-08-24 08:03:47 UTC
do you treat each other well? do you care for each other? that's what matters.

sorry you have to deal with this. it's especially hard when it's family.

good luck!
2009-08-24 08:28:05 UTC
uh, black babbbies are fuckinadorable, especially the halfsies, tell her to STFU
Michael Corleone
2009-08-24 08:59:06 UTC
jesssica you never know how racist your family is until you bring home a black boyfriend. and this proves it!
2009-08-24 08:02:29 UTC
None of that should matter.

if you love each other then so be it.

im sure you two are great for each other!
CDs are so 2003 (iPod Guy)
2009-08-24 08:01:42 UTC
I'm Dominican and my girlfriend is white.
2009-08-24 08:01:07 UTC
Their babies are ALWAYS soooo adorable.
2009-08-24 08:01:24 UTC
They have the cutest babies! :D
2009-08-24 08:00:43 UTC
ouch. i don't mind biracial couples.
2009-08-24 08:07:26 UTC
it doesn't matter, only thing that does matter if you are happy together!
2009-08-24 08:03:03 UTC
i don't mind

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