I scarcely know where to begin! No sir, I sure as Hell do not! Look at Israel! A nasty bunch of diplaced-oppressed, grinding down the Palestinian people under their heels, in much the same manner as Hitler treat the Jewish people in the Holocaust. They are your under-class, essentially your slave-order, doing your dirty-work for a pittance, and should they need medical care, they wouldn't be welcome in one of your hospitals reserved for white Jews... I call that strident racism, and am proud to live in Great Britain, where your colour does not determine wether or not you get medical attention!
Your country was forged in violence not even sixty years ago, and you still can't play well with the other kids! The UN invaded Iraq when there were two breaches of Security Council Directive. Israel has 15 breaches against it.
Squabbling, bickering and stealing a few metres here, a few there, from your Arab neighbours - who have come to learn you cannot be trusted. And if you don;t trust someone, it is easy to fear them, fear turns to hate, hate to violence, in retaliation for what your great Israel does. You wilfully complete the circle of violence, on a weekly basis, because you lack empathy. I have seen Israeli forces make large air-strikes on random parts of Palestinian towns, because "rockets had been fired from that direction" earlier that day. So, your vengeance is swift, harsh, and very much off-target. This strike of yours will hurt, maim and kill more Palestinians who had - SO FAR - not picked up arms against you. Guess what? They will now! If you had been one of those Palestinians who lost their mother, or father, brother or sister or friend, you would want revenge! You would want to even the score by killing Israelis, WOULDN'T YOU? Your problem, as a country, is that you lack EMPATHY. The ability to put yourself in the position of others and see the situation through their eyes.