Okay, Please read it ALL. I REALLY need someone's help! Okay, So i've had really strong suspicions that my BEST friend- Valerie- was talking to people she didnt know. And I've asked her and she's denied it. She always hides her phone from me. I havnt even seen it once! And even when it's an emergency(when I need to speak with my mother)- She is still very stingy with her phone. Sometimes when Valerie gets a new message- I glance over at her phone quickly - and I see she has new messages from guyss like "Jesse, Carlos, Michael, Orlando- People that i've never seen or heard about. So i've had enough, so i decided to ask my friend- Matt- If he could message her on facebook to see if she'd reply and flirt back. Now Matt is an really attractive guy, and Valerie doesn't know him. So Matt messages her and she immediatley starts talking and flirting back with him. I really don't know what to say. So Matt and Valerie havve been talking for a while now- so Matt asks her out. And she says yes of course! And now Val thinks they are dating (although they've never met before) and Matt is just testing her. So then, Matt asks her If she's gonna tell anyone about their realtionship. She says "all my friends except my best friend." (Im her best friend). And Matt asks her why. She says "Because my friend bethany is really protective and judgemental, and I don't want her to know. She'll make us end our relationship, and she'll start some fights." When i saw these messages I was upset. Im not a protective person. The only protective thing I've ever done is this because I'm worried about my friends saftey. So Matt sends me a message on facebook- and he copies& pastes their ENTIRE conversation, So then i can confront Valerie and show her the messsages. When I tell her- she completley lies to me. She tells me that he made up all the messages (it's about 5 pages long) and she tells me that Matt was her old friend at her old school. Of course I pretend to believe her, but in the back of my mind I know the entire truth. I just couldn't believe she could look me in the eye and lie to me like that. They are suppossed to hangout this Friday, and of course Valerie isn't going to tell me about it. Little does she know.. Second of all- Im not a judgemental person- I accept everyone as my friend as long as they re caring and nice. If anything Valerie is judgemental- She didnt like my friends at first. She called them loud, and annoying, etc. And she didnt even know them. Matt also called me a protective b*tch to Val- to see if Valerie would back me up. SHE DIDNT. So what should I do about this? Should I ignore it, confront it? I really don't want to confront it because she'll say something like this- "I'm your best friend- you dont believe me?" What should I do??
SORRY for the long message. But I really need someone's help!
Thank You