Great question. Here's a few things I think losers do. Losers and wannabes are the same thing in my head, by the way:
If you've ever been asked a question you don't know you and said you 'don't want to tell them' and when they tell you the correct answer, insist you knew that already
Give a really long, really stupid answer that has nothing to do with the question.
Take a loser letter.
If you've ever, after having been beaten on a video game while one of your friends was watching you blamed the controller/ the weather/ a headache (or other illness)/ your friend/ the light (usually too bright or too dark).
Insisted that you were meant to get beaten, because it was part of the game...
Take a loser letter
If you have ever pretended to have an 'important call' from someone and talked into your mobile with no one on the other end, take a loser card.
If you have ever watched a shopping channel for longer than ten minutes, take a loser card.
If you have ever used one of those cheesy pick-up lines and been either slapped, laughed at or ignored for it, take a loser card.
If you have ever sat and listened to the white noise after someone you were talking to had hung up, take a loser card.
If you have ever bought a Valentines Card, written a poem, bought some chocolates and then got so nervous you didn't give them to the one you were planning to and keep them for yourself, insisting it was from a 'secret admirer', take a loser card.
If you have ever tried to bunk off school but gotten cold feet and only make it half an hour before running back to school and saying you were stuck in traffic, take a loser card.
If you have ever counted how long it takes a snail to go from one end of your arm to the other, take a loser card.
If you have ever walked into a shop and tried to buy something, but have realised you don't have enough money and accuse the shopkeeper of robbing you, take a loser card.
If you have ever searched your name into Google, take a loser card.
If you have ever tried to make a Wikipedia page about yourself and realised halfway through you aren't interesting enough to have one, take a loser card.
If you have made a sculpture out of playing cards, take a loser card.
If you have made yourself a nickname and called yourself it despite no one else ever, ever using it, take a loser card.
If you have edited Wikipedia, take a loser card.
If you have felt proud after pointing out a spelling error in a book, take a loser card
If you have ever pointed out a spelling error in a book to another person, take a loser card.
If you have ever pretended you could speak another language and were found out, take a loser card.
And....that's all I could think of for now. Enough for ya'll? Hope I helped =^_^=