Who is Lazyer around the house MALE's or FEMALE's ?
2006-03-20 13:40:21 UTC
Just watching, Doctor Phil and it's the main topic what's your thought's.
Fourteen answers:
2006-03-22 03:38:48 UTC
it can be both when my stepmom comes home form school she just lays down on the couch and does nothimg till 5'o clock, then when mydad gets home he just gets on the computer on sits on the couch and watches tv, and me and my brother have to do everything clean, cook,etc... i can understand a little bit why my dad is tierd but me and my little brother go to school longer than or stepmom so it's unfare that we have to do all the chores and cook dinner.
2006-03-20 16:27:08 UTC
I watched that too. I think it is both. My mom was lazy. She would give us a room to clean every Sunday. I had bathrooms. Then she would spend all day washing clothes. No wait the machine washed she read a book. My dad would be doing something outside, he never stood still. I've got it down pat. You start the clothes washer first. When it is done start the dryer. Then start the dishwasher, that way you don't have both water users going at the same time. Pick a few things up during commercials while watching Dr. Phil. My grandma is the energizer bunny.

My husband works mornings, watches house and kids at night. I work evenings, I watch kids and house during day. We are 50/50. I'm just better at multitasking. He is better at getting the kids to pick up their mess.
2006-03-20 14:20:49 UTC
Well first of all... most men always say that women are meant to stay home and clean and watch the kids and so forth. I believe that men are the laziests at home because many of them work and then come home and eat. With women, especially mothers, it's watch the kids or baby, clean house, make dinner before husband gets home... THE WHOLE NINE YARDS! I mean, how many times have you heard of a man being the "housewife" It is true that there are men who are the housewifes but it's pretty rare.

I also believe that women are the least laziests because with them if they're sick... most just keep on working and doing what they have to do. Men on the other hand... just lay in bed and be the cute little babies they were born as... However, in all fairness... men and women both work hard to keep their life in order... including their homes.
2006-03-20 17:12:49 UTC
I have seen it both ways I watched Dr phil today too! So I am not going to say! I would have said boys before the show! But now I think it depends on the person not the gender!
2006-03-20 13:55:36 UTC
well, I live in a house with a total if 2 women and 1 male, and an infant and a toddler. obviously the kids do not do much, but of the 3 of us adults, us women do all of the house work. we have a cleaning schedule, that we rotate once weekly. 2 thirds of the house is usually clean. the other third is almost always a dissaster, and it is usually up to the next person who gets that room to clean it. it is not right. and then he complains when you get on him for not doing his job, saying that he worked all day and all he wants to do is relax. so he will make a mess all over the house while he is "relaxing", creating more work for the rest of us. and on his days off, he does more of the same, yet complains more when the house is messy. even though he is the one who produced the majority of the mess.

so to answer yourquestion, men are more lazy by far when it comes to houshold chores.
2006-03-20 22:44:22 UTC
2006-03-20 16:23:33 UTC
My husband and I share the housework, I end up doing more of it but he works all day so it ends up working out basically even.
2006-03-20 17:38:40 UTC
You can't really say one or the other. It just depends on their personality. Both genders can be lazy.
2006-03-21 12:17:03 UTC
in my situation, the male's are far lazier. But I think it depends on each person involved
2006-03-20 18:56:54 UTC
depends on the man and the woman. some women are lazy some men are lazy.
2006-03-20 13:48:00 UTC
male, my husband has to be told a dozen times before he will fianlly get off his tail and do something
2006-03-20 13:41:19 UTC
I think it could be 50/50..

Like me and my husband its about that.
2006-03-20 17:18:41 UTC
In a traditional home the man is cuase he feels like he worked all day so he can be...........DAHHHHHHHH what did we do all day???
2006-03-20 13:41:22 UTC
female her name is hagar

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