2013-11-18 01:37:33 UTC
Hitting the alarm clock to go back to sleep is boring.
Waking up again to the alarm is boring.
Getting out of bed is boring.
Organising what you're going to wear is boring if you haven't planned it.
Getting dressed is boring.
Breakfast can be nice, but the rest of things you need to do to get ready for school are boring.
Having to keep feeding the cat is boring.
Walking to school by yourself is usually boring.
Most classes are boring and most of the work you do in those classes are boring.
Walking back home from school is boring.
The afternoon crying session is boring.
Having to feed the cat ten more times is boring
Organising stuff for the next day is boring.
Doing house work is boring.
Arguing with family is stressful and boring.
Being on here is kind of fun, but the main reason why I go on here is because I'm bored which is boring.
The evening crying session is boring.
Getting ready to have a shower is boring.
Thinking about problems is boring.
Crying in the shower is boring.
Being in the shower is nice, but getting out is boring.
Drying yourself is boring.
Getting changed into your pyjamas is boring.
If you have an alarm clock you need to set for the next morning it's boring.
Watching your shows is fun and talking to your sister can be fun or stressful (depends what it's about) and it's the same with the rest of the family.
Doing everything else you need to do before going to bed is boring.
Going to bed is boring.
Sleeping is nice unless you can't get to sleep, then that is boring.
Repeating all of this again every school day is boring.
Sleeping in on weekends are nice.
Going out on weekends is nice.
Spending time with friends even if it's for a short time is nice.
Feeling sad for no particular reason is boring.
Sunday nights are depressing and boring.
BQ: What do you do to make your life less boring and less meaningless? Do you find life boring? Why/why not?