i do! (we do, with a bit less enthusiasm)
my wife and i were just noticing last night how the constant flashbacks might put off a new viewer or a viewer who's missed a season. to those who watch weekly, they only help to make the cast of characters seem even more fascinating.
like old friends, i now know about kate's run-ins with the law and troubles with her dad, hurley's unbelievable string of accursed bad luck, and desmond's sad farewell over which he had no control (or DID he?) just like how i've gotten to know you better by reading and hearing about your interests on YA and 360, i can get to know the castaways on lost little by little through their remembrances.
the action is okay, but the scientific knowledge and mystery behind a secret technical outfit like dharma appeal to the nerd in all of us, and there's just enough humor and romance (but not too much) to allow me to take the show seriously. one thing i DON'T like is the way the episodes have been spaced out, but i believe ABC is through experimenting with that.
and like any mystery, once you know (or think you know) some of what's happening, you want to know more... i'm dying to find out who's REALLY behind the dharma initiative (probably halliburton) and what happened to those in charge of it. oh, and how hurley got so good at ping-pong.