Firstly I do agree that non-smokers should not have to tolerate the health risk and smell of second hand smoke and they are perfectly entitled to support the no smoking law.
However,I feel it is total discrimination against those who wish to smoke to have to be sent outside like some naughty child, in all weathers.
It IS a Violation of Personal Liberties.
Why can smokers not have a designated smoking room that would not effect others, they will be paying the same price for drinks in pubs so are they not entitled to the same comforts as non smokers instead of a so called "hut"
I agree to no smoking where food is being served,on planes,buses and other public places where people cannot be separated but it could be done quite easily in public houses.
The money being spent on training smoking Spies to go round pubs and take photographs of smokers and issuing on the spot fines could all be saved if proper facilities were available and to me that is an invasion of peoples privacy.
So yes the non-smokers are entitled to breathe fresh air but it will be fresher for smokers in the cold winter months.