1. What's your nickname?
Marijo - which is the letters of my real name mixed around.
2. What's your favorite color?
3. Favorite food?
Chinese or Italian. Which are both bad for me!
4. Do you have a cellphone?
Yes! And I'm not giving out the number...
5. Do you decorate/customize your cellphone?
Nope. It's a "smart phone". I think it'll think its too smart for sparkles.
6. Do you prefer texting or email?
Texting. So much faster.
7. Dr. Phil or Opera?
Opera? Do you mean Oprah? I like Dr. Phil. He puts the verbal smack down on people.
8. What is the color of your shirt right now?
Not wearing a shirt. Lol. Not wearning much.
9. Have you ever gone commando?
No. Sleep in the nude from time to time. Does that count?
10. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had in your life?
I keep things light. No official boyfriends. I like it that way.
11. Black or white?
I like black and white. Great traditional color combination. oh, wait, that's not what you're asking, huh? I'm neither - I'm more of a brown. If you're asking what I like in another person...? I like people, I don't limit myself by picking colors.
12. Favorite celeb?
Any celebrity that uses their fame to do something to make this world a better place.
13. Best singer ever?
Too many to pick just one.
14. Worst singer ever?
Don't get me started...
15. What's your crush's name?
Don't have a crush. If I like someone, I tell them.
16. Diamonds or Rubies?
17. Roses or tulips?
Roses. I'm a girl. What do you expect?
18. Are you currrently single, taken, married, or divorced?
19. Friends or family?
My friends are my family. My family are not always my friends. Figure that one out...
20. Blackberry or iPhone?
Smart phone. Blackberrys have too many system problems, and I'm not cool enough for an iPhone. ;P
21. MP3 or iPod?
MP3, same features without the pricey name.
22. Do you prefer traveling by plane or train?
Train. Done the plane thing.
23. Books or movies?
No time for books, but love them. Movies are more my pace right now.
24. PCs or laptops?
Laptops. More lightweight and versitle.
25, Rice or noodles?
Rice, especially fried rice.
26. Aim or MSN?
27. Favorite section in Y!A?
Movie quesstions. That's my forte.
28. Disney or Nickelodian?
Disney. Disney has many different entertainment aspects, that is good for any age group.
29. Crayons or colored pencils?
Colored pencils. You have more control when using those.
30. Night or day?
Night. All the crazy and fun stuff happens at night.
31. Chocolate or Vanilla?
I prefer sherbert. Chocolate comes in second.
32. Do you have any pets?
My pet has me. A cat.
33. Pink or blue?
Blue. You can be just as feminine in blue as you can in pink.
34. Are you male or female?
Female. Although I am very dominant.
35. Rock or Rap?
Rock. :)
36. Hearts or stars?
Stars. As long as they're not the overly-self-indulged-self-destructive ones. I prefer the celestrial type we find in the night sky.
37. MySpace or Facebook?
MySpace. When I get time to actually log on, update, and blog.
38. Ask or answer questions?
Answer questions. I'm taking the time to answer all these questions, aren't I?
39. Pay w/ cash, check or credit card?
Debit card. If I want it, I'm going to pay for it all at once, and upfront.
40. Like this survey?
Interesting survey. Wide range of questions.
And if you actually read all this.... good for you!