why does EVERYBODY get so upset when somebody tries to make the slightest joke about 9/11?
2006-12-23 19:29:42 UTC
jeez........cmon was 5 years ago........yes it was awful......

does that mean we cant get a laugh out of it?
does that mean nothing good can come of it at all?

for those people who feel the need to judge and criticize someone for trying to make light of any situation..........


when somebody gets upset over a joke........this is what i think of that person............zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
47 answers:
Leighton H
2006-12-23 19:46:49 UTC
Yeah! Your freaking right!!! People only follow what others tell them. We should make light of those kinds of things because people dwell on them. We are taught that we SHOULD feel crappy about crappy things, but that only injures our spirit. Why should we ever mourn? In respect? Celebrate their lives instead of making others feel as crappy as you( not you man). On top of that, how do I respect people I've never known!? Aren't we not supposed to mourn the death of Jesus!? WHY IS IT WRONG TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT DEATH? Isn't death what makes life important?. We can feel crappy and be timid if we are immortal, but we have no time to be any of that when we have so little time in this beautiful world.
2006-12-23 19:43:13 UTC
It kinda gets to you when you see someone you know falling 5000feet or more to their deaths on live television.

You will remember that day for many a year and a full measure more. I WISH I WERE ASLEEP SO I CAN WAKE UP.

And perhaps the survivor's children's children may make light of it but not today, not this hour.

This wound will not heal easy, and the cries of those taken from must will have to echo some more before time and distance fades it away.

It has cursed us and made graves for our Fathers, Mothers, brothers, sisters, children, and kinsmen.

You can joke about it. I will not judge you.

But try dying once.
2006-12-23 19:34:10 UTC
I am not sure how to answer this as I am not American and 9/11 did not directly affect me. I guess some people can't deal with what happened still and sometimes the joke is just ill timed or just not a good joke at all so it comes out sounding bad. That is life, remember when you couldn't make a AIDS joke, heck you still can't really.
2006-12-23 19:37:29 UTC
9/11 was not funny, and it never will be funny. Just ask the thousands of people that lost friends, parents, children, etc., on that day if they think anything about 9/11 was funny. It has nothing to do about judging someone who thinks it is OK to make a joke about that terrible day, it has everything to do about respecting the people that were lost on that day and the people they left behind.
2006-12-23 19:33:52 UTC
Some people get upset because maybe they lost somebody in 9/11 and don't want to deal with jokes that they might feel are inconsiderate. There could be a lot of reasons why people get upset about it.
2006-12-23 19:44:25 UTC
I think broad jokes are ok. Not about all the ppl dying. Now that was horrible. And the fact that it was terrorists attacking the U.S. is like a nightmare...cause it's in everyone's mind that it can happen again. In a way I agree with the majority of ppl who replied, but in another way I think there are some LIGHT jokes that you can make...referencing toward the terrorists. NOT the victims. I mean I'm a hurricane Katrina victim and I joke some of the time about it. Not about the actual event, but making a refernce towards it. I'm in a FEMA trailer and my income/mo. isn't even close to what it needs to be for a STUDIO apt, but I have to find some humor somewhere. I have to deal with it someway and get past it.
2006-12-23 19:37:00 UTC
I don't think it is a topic to joke about, what if it happened to you, and you have people you know reading someone making a joke about where you died at, not only that, if u r from the US, then it was an attack on ur country. Do you think the pearl harbor is funny, or all of our soldiers that died in any war is funny??? It was an attempt of war on our country, comon man, b 4real
Hot Mom
2006-12-23 19:33:06 UTC
When people die for any reason it's not funny. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be one of those peoples family members and see that kinda stuff that people say "joke" about. My mom was murdered sooo yeah I know how it feels. If you think it is funny that some terrorist murdered so many ppl at once. Then ya need some help.
2006-12-23 19:31:51 UTC
I'm going to wager there haven't been that many knee-slappers over Pearl Harbor, the Bay of Pigs, or the My Lai massacre either, but go fig. Maybe you have a gift to share with the rest of the world. You should take your act down to Ground Zero for the grand unveiling of the memorial, I'm sure you'll get your due response....

suggestion: wear kevlar
2006-12-23 19:39:36 UTC
Well I guess that answered your question. Chill out with it. Its a very sensitve subject and all. Maybe your young and have not fully learned to appreciate life. I'm not ragging on you because I dont know you or anything about you. Just let it go. ok.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
2006-12-23 19:58:31 UTC
the pain of stuff like that is really real, the people who lost family members or friend will never be the same, they will never see life through the same set of eyes again. I lost my mom on that day. The two sides of my family didn't really talk much after that. I was 8.
2006-12-23 19:51:12 UTC
There is absolutely nothing funny about the events of 9-11,not then, not now,or ever. Do you think you could find humor if your family member was murdered?
rand a
2006-12-23 19:35:13 UTC
not EVERYBODY does, but i notice that you dont tell us anything funny. Of course there will be jokes, there are jokes bout the holocaust, there were jokes bout the shuttle disaster, its a way of diminishing the gravity of the situation, some people handle things that way, some dont.
gary c
2006-12-23 19:38:51 UTC
Do you know how manny people lost their life? do you care? Do you know how many people lost fathers mothers sisters husbans wives The rescuers who lost their lives for trying to help yea must be a joke some where
2006-12-23 19:31:39 UTC
Its a sensative topic. Some peopel lost family or friends. Some think its unpatriotic to joke. I dont really care.
Alan B
2006-12-23 19:42:56 UTC
you have to have lost all sense of patriotic pride or not got the me sage the first time because you don't **** with the U S of A and getaway with harbouring the criminals and tell US of A to go fly a kite.So go try and pledge your ale gents and ask the same stupid question
Michael da Man
2006-12-23 19:34:55 UTC
Its idiotic to joke about something that no one in the world except psychopaths think is funny. Maybe you should seek psychiatric help.
2006-12-23 19:32:10 UTC
Because, it happened so recently, only 5 years ago. people still remember the events!

maybe someone was related to a victim?

Just wait 30 years.
Wandering Sage
2006-12-23 19:33:06 UTC
WOW! There are some really messed up people out there..

How am I supposed to take a joke lightly when someone I knew was affected by it?
2006-12-23 19:31:54 UTC
It's like squeezing lemon juice on an open wound. It's too fresh in everyone's mind to be able to joke about it. We are too close to it.


I fortunately didn't lose anyone, but I live on Long Island and you could smell it where I lived, in Suffolk County, for days afterwards. It's not something to be joking about.
2006-12-23 19:32:34 UTC
i agree with you on some level. this whole teror thing has been going on too long. no we cant joke about it, and nothing good will come out of it, but by this time in the 1940's even WWII was over, and that was a bigger an much more important deal than this. we have to move on.
2006-12-23 19:36:21 UTC
you know what.

if you had a relative/friend die in that tradgedy, you wouldnt be saying..."oh hey it was 5 years ago la dee da....big deal"

you would be taking offense to questions like that..5 years is not that long ago buddy. so before you go saying stupid sh*t like that think about other people smart a**....

you must be real mature. congratulations. jerk.
2006-12-23 19:32:36 UTC
I didn't know someone was joking about it. It's a serious matter, gotta be careful with stuff like that.
2006-12-23 19:31:57 UTC
not everybody, there are a few terrorists that like 9-11 jokes
2006-12-23 19:30:39 UTC
It isn't a subject to joke about! People who make jokes about 3,000 people losing their lives are insensitive and ought to shut up!
2006-12-23 19:32:27 UTC
I'm sure all the family members of those who died in the towers, on the planes, on the ground or in combat would find it very difficult to find any humor.

You should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting this.
2006-12-23 19:32:52 UTC
because 9/11 is not a laughing matter
Fader's Girl
2006-12-23 19:31:40 UTC
i live in uk and i dont think its funny to joke about it, loads of people died, it was a sad day, i agree with the people that dont like the jokes about it, sorry i know i seem boring etc, but i just have respect for the dead.

2006-12-23 19:31:58 UTC
it might have been 5 years ago but the thought and possiblitiy of it happening again is still lives on
2006-12-23 19:32:53 UTC
I can't believe you.....where are you from???

Yes, it was five years ago and at some point it will be 20 years ago....and IT WILL STILL BE NOTHING TO JOKE ABOUT!!!!!
eeyoree rocks2003
2006-12-23 20:19:56 UTC
I did not see the joke, but I do applaud your speech.
2006-12-23 19:32:40 UTC
it is just insensitive....that is too big of a tragedy to make jokes of...there are other things that you can be humorous about, but you shouldn't joke about people dying like that
2006-12-23 19:36:58 UTC
well maybe you wouldnt think it was so funny to joke about if

you lost your mom are dad ...wife ..child....sister are brother!!!!

why would ya want to joke about something like that ...theres so

much more to joke about!!!! i love to joke but not like that...
2006-12-23 19:33:27 UTC
have you ever had a family member die, because they were in a building and a plane full of terrorists flew into it? didnt think so.....get a clue kiddo
2006-12-23 19:31:22 UTC
It's just not something to joke about.
2006-12-23 19:35:27 UTC
There are some things that even time cannot heal.
2006-12-23 19:31:57 UTC
if you are saying a joke to diss the arabs then its funny but if you are making a reference to the people whos lives were lost then there is confrontation.
2006-12-23 19:33:03 UTC
we don't joke much about Pearl Harbor either.
2006-12-23 19:31:07 UTC
because it's nothing to joke about! >:o
a heart so big
2006-12-23 19:31:21 UTC
it's still an open wound to most people.
i am the dream u r the dreamer
2006-12-23 19:34:26 UTC
i dont get mad at all. but i dont think its really funny
2006-12-23 19:31:05 UTC
What is so funny about it?

You have no empathy in you, that is sad.
2006-12-23 19:31:44 UTC
If you had family in there, it wouldn't be so funny, would it.
2006-12-23 19:33:32 UTC

FUNNY......... IN MY OPINION......SORRY....
2006-12-23 19:31:55 UTC
I agree whole heartedly
2006-12-23 19:31:44 UTC
for me i lost a friend on 9-11-01 please respect that okay ?
2006-12-23 19:31:05 UTC
Don't be a jerk.

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