20 sign person yes i'm taking
1. you don't worke very well
2. when some one says mint u think "do i have dad breath
3. you don't have a sticher that says mace in china
4. you think fog is just a misty fart
5. you think presdent bush is smart!
6. you vote by sayn yeah! over here more peanuts
7. football means chip night!
8. the coumputer is you life & you wife/husband
9. can't drive with out yelling at the person who pulled out in frount of you
10. the horn on ur car is a must, the louder the better
11. if you don't smell bad you don't need a bath
12. warterless shampoo means warter never has to tough your body ever again
13. tented windows are a help for pple who pick there nose in there car and flick the bugger on the tailgater bhind u
14. ipods are god
15. if you bathroom looks like tajhmahall
16. if you can't live with out soda (ican't)
17. you like gorge cloney
18. ur a part of the red neck agenda
19. ur controled my the media
20. american idiot is ur name!