2008-11-01 09:25:43 UTC
after mass his parents were teling him to hury up and all and he came to the hall where i was and was jst wondering around for about 3 minutes doing nothing but glancing at me then he walked past me and says '' the photo'' and we took it. I went home and we chated on msn and we were talking bout how we never rlly speak properly and he said '' well we can talk at the formal if you want, or ill c u around or come visit u haha'' and my response was '' haha anyways mising school'' - then at the end of conversation i asked him y he puts this face wen we talk ( like embarased) and he said coz of wat ppl told him '' they told me u like me'' & i said that i didnt and then he said 'then y did they say that '' and i said ''oh because i use to like you and stuff thats why'; and all he said was'' ahh nice'' and i said''lol how mean u dont care'' and his like'' nah its a good thing you told me, like finally'' and that was the en of the topik bout that. whats he thinking? and what did that whole ill c around mean? I ignored his '' come visit me'' thing because he wrote haha and i thought he was been sarcastic.