1)Are u in your early,mid,or late teens?
2)Out of this animal list which one is your most favorite?Siberian Tiger,Green iguana,Grizzly bear,Raccoon,Lynx,Moose,Plains Zebra,Sea otter,or a bearded dragon lizard?
Siberian Tigers...i like tigers.
3)Whats your favorite singer and rock band?
I like em all
4)Which description matches your interest?
A)I love make up and always looking forward to going to the mall to try on the makeup!
B)So into art and always practicing and collecting my art and other peoples art!
C)Love animals and like to rescue them and keep a zoo in my house!
D)Into video games i play until my eyes hurt!
E)I like to collect action figures,baseball cards, or model cars and show them off!
F)Like to hang out at the mall and with my Bfs.
G)I'm a fashionasta and spend hours planning my outfits and know whats in style!
H)Crank up the metal punk music because i`m a punk rocker!!!
I)None of these!
5)How many pets do u have and what animals are they?
2cats -- 2 dogs
6)If u were to get another pet what would it be and what would u name it?
I dunno what i would name it
7)What is your biggest pet peeve?
no comment
8)What color are your eyes?If u could change their color what color would u change your eyes?
i dont know.
9)What is your ethnic back ground?
10)Most annoying tv Commercial to u?
idk jut some random commercial
11)If u could go back to the 80s or to the future which one would u choose?
80's with the knowledge i have now
i would be 100x richer than i already am
12)Your Religion?If u want u don`t have to answer.
not answering
13)Favorite toy as a child?